3 years agoMobutu organizes spectacles to commemorate the Belgian victory over the Arab slavers in 1894Belgian Congo
3 years agoLe général Joseph-Désiré Mobutu parle de son appréhension par rapport à la sécurité de sa familleBelgian Congo
3 years agoThe situation in Elisabethville - Panorama Report on the Katangese secession and the Congo crisisBelgian Congo
1 year agoDr. Joseph P. Farrell | Giza Death Star Revisited, Plasma Physics, & The Demon In The EkurTheHighersideChats
11 months agoUprising In Katanga Against Mobutu White Mercenaries Take The Town Of Bukawu In The Congo - 1967The Black History Channel
3 years agoMobutu parle de son métier de journaliste au Congo Belge à l'exposition universelle de 1958.Belgian Congo
9 months agoThis is one of the most important moments in history for victims of Neuro-WeaponsDAMOMARK