5 hours agoCell Salt #4: Ferr Phos (Iron Phosphate) Sound Healing ❤️ 396hz 💫 Vivaldi 🎶alphaaurahealingVerified
8 hours agoCell Salt #6: Kali Phos (Potassium Phosphate) Sound Healing 🤍 963hz 💫 Vivaldi 🎶alphaaurahealingVerified
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9 months agoCell Salt #10: Nat Phos (Sodium Phosphate) Sound Healing 💛 528hz 💫alphaaurahealingVerified
1 year agoCell Salt #8: Mag Phos (Magnesium Phosphate) Sound Healing 💚 639hz 💫alphaaurahealingVerified
2 months agoCell Salt #4: Ferr Phos (Iron Phosphate) Sound Healing ❤️ 396hz 💫alphaaurahealingVerified