1. LOL The Humanists Trying To Figure Out How Creative Resistance Works In The Machine

    LOL The Humanists Trying To Figure Out How Creative Resistance Works In The Machine

  2. What the Left does not understand about workers - Blue Collar vs. PMC enjoyment - on Oliver Anthony

    What the Left does not understand about workers - Blue Collar vs. PMC enjoyment - on Oliver Anthony

  3. dave mikey nance reading nick land's critique of the left and mark fish AKA transcendent miserablism

    dave mikey nance reading nick land's critique of the left and mark fish AKA transcendent miserablism

  4. Nick Land's Critique of Mark Fisher and the Left | guest Michael Downs (Mikey)

    Nick Land's Critique of Mark Fisher and the Left | guest Michael Downs (Mikey)

  5. Reading some CCRU WRITINGS! Friday the 13th: Communiqués One and Two | guest Michael Downs (Mikey)

    Reading some CCRU WRITINGS! Friday the 13th: Communiqués One and Two | guest Michael Downs (Mikey)

  6. Nick Land's "A Quick and Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism" | Dave, Nance, Mikey

    Nick Land's "A Quick and Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism" | Dave, Nance, Mikey
