dave mikey nance reading nick land's critique of the left and mark fish AKA transcendent miserablism

1 year ago

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About the hosts:
David McKerracher (M.A. in critical theory and B.A. in philosophy) is the sole founder and organizer of Theory Underground, an independent philosophy lecture course platform, publishing house, and social media APP. He is the author of Waypoint and TIMENERGY: Why You Have No Time or Energy, and one of the co-editors of Underground Theory. Born in the city but raised on a homestead in the woods, McKerracher has always been an outsider looking in, trying to understand himself and the world. Loves cats, coffee, and timenergy!

Bryce Nance - A random skateboarder we picked up along the way. Just kidding! Nance is one of the most involved students at Theory Underground, a huge supporter, and our number 1 roadie. He likes to skateboard, listen to books, and study philosophy. He is a malcontent who believes study as a way of life helps him become less sucky.

Michael Downs is an independent researcher and author of the philosophy and critical theory blog The Dangerous Maybe. On his blog, he teaches, explores and expands on the ideas of Slavoj Žižek, Jacques Lacan, Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, and many other philosophers, in ways that are accessible to a broad audience. Michael has guest lectured on Søren Kierkegaard at Truman State University and on Jean Baudrillard at Boise State University. He also has tutored philosophy students at Longview Community College as well as online. Michael's essay 'Differentia Ex Nihilo: The Problem of Difference in Kant’s Critical Philosophy' has been published in the online philosophy journal Triple Ampersand. He has earned a graduate certificate from The New Centre for Research and Practice and was the recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Essay at the 2018 International Žižek Conference in Athens, Georgia. Michael is currently studying with Todd McGowan with a special focus on the work of Slavoj Žižek, both of whom he has published alongside in Underground Theory, a volume published by Theory Underground. Mikey teaches at Theory Underground. In 2023 he taught Slavoj Žižek's For They Know Not What They Do, and in October he is teaching an Introduction to Nick Land course. Sign up for it here: https://theory-underground.com/courses/land-intro

About the Publications:

TIMENERGY*: Why You Have No Time or Energy: We normally don’t have any time, but when we finally do, we lack energy. On those rare occasions when we have energy outside of work, it is restless and difficult to harness towards meaningful goals. Starting from the realization that meaningful time is worthless without energy, the concept of “timenergy” points to something we all lack: large energy-infused blocks of repeatable time throughout the week. TIMENERGY: Why You Have No Time or Energy is a critique of our job-centric society and the schooling system that assumes we are nothing more than workers, professionals, or managers. This book challenges all political representatives, professors, and media figures to think deeper about the daily lives and needs of working people.

Underground Theory: A collection of timely and cutting edge essays by working class nobodies who are just trying to think, plus some big-named renegade academics who see the value in McKerracher’s timenergy theory, Mikey (of The Dangerous Maybe blog)’s working class education work, or the general idea of radical grass roots experiments that have institutional support.
THEORY UNDERGROUND IS A critical media theory and alternative adult education experiment founded, organized, and run by David McKerracher. So what is TU? Theory Underground is a lecture course-centered social media and publishing site/APP with ongoing lecture courses, seminars, and research cohorts.

Get the books at https://theory-underground.com/publications (but if you are ordering international you will have to get them from Amazon!)

Logo sequence music by https://olliebeanz.com/music

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