9 months agoKeeping Your Mind Stayed on Jesus: Morning to Evening Focus #FocusOnJesus #MindOnJesus #RestInHimDcrypTos
1 year agoAnchor your faith in Jesus #FocusOnJesus #FaithInEverySeason #AnchorOfHope #WalkWithFaith #BelieveDcrypTos
9 months agoJohn 3:16 #bible #scripturefortoday #bibleverse #motivation #faith #scriptureinspirationarmedinfaith
5 months agoTrust in the One True Living God and let your mind absorb His truth and Word. ✨armedinfaith
7 months agoFind your strength in Jesus and focus on making your relationship with Him top priority.armedinfaith
9 months agoStop allowing the evil one to distract you from Jesus with anxiety.BlessedBeyondBelief8Verified
9 months agoRealize today where in your life there may be some darkness that needs Jesus' light.armedinfaith
1 year agoMarch 5 Morning Devotional | Stay Awake! | Morning and Evening by Charles SpurgeonRevive ScripturesVerified