OUR GOVERNMENTS ARE FULL OF TREASONOUS TRAITORS! #TrudeauForTeason #TruckTrudeau #BidenForTreason #LetsGoBrandon #ByByBorris Don't Beleive Me????? JUST LISTEN👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Convoy Peace Patriots REMOVING Any Bad Actor's #BearHUG -Some of these things don’t look like the others. Government-sponsored terrorism. Wash, rinse, repeat. #Jan6Again
Powerful speech from Ottawa today by Tamara Lich (I believe) that brought me to tears. You are not alone. End the mandates. End The Lies. End The Fear. #freedomconvoy2022 #ottawa #freedom #canada
Pat King Clearing Up The Liberal Rumors About The Freedom Convoy 2022 In Ottaway LIVE Street WALK And Drive Around The City Talking With The Residents - #TrudeauForTreason
Pat King Clears Up The Rumors Being Spread Around By 'Antifa' - Please Stay Positive And Don't Pay Attention To The Distractions #BearHUG #NoVaxxPass #NoMandatesEVER #TrudeauMustGO #O'toolMustGO