2 years agoG.W Bush murdered Americans, he wants us to start WW3 with Russia over his corrupt ties in UkraineFREEDOM - TRUTH - JUSTICE
1 year agoJFK - We are at War and the enemy are advancing around the globe President John F Kennedy 27 4 1961Vasili1
1 year agoAsst. Sec of State to Colin Powell, INR and CIA for George BushGetting Better with Ann Beal
2 years agoEx-prime minister of Malaysia "Mahathir Mohamad" tells what is ahead for the world (March 9th 2015)Libertarian99
2 years agoIraq War Legacy: Torturers and War Criminals bomb the shit out of your countryRaison d'etre: Citizen journalist, history anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist.
3 years agoWhat if the Petrodollar loses its status as World Reserve Currency ? --Economic Collapse ScenarioThe Nomad Economist