A brieft history of Iraq WMD

2 months ago

Correcting the deep state propaganda
Iraq’s WMD program has been a plaything of the US deep state, ever since a weak US President gave them precursor chemicals to explore and develop their use, much as was done later in Chinese and Ukrainian facilities. When the use of these weapons became public knowledge, intelligence agencies deliberately misled the public. Snowden, a whistle-blower, released information about how the public were misled.

Many Democrat leaders seem to feel virtuously duplicitous when their failed policies force hard decisions. Jimmy Carter was facing his own after he removed large swathes of US forces from the Middle East, and ordered the CIA out. When Iran imploded, Carter authorised a secret shipment of precursor chemical weapons to Iraq. They were developed and tested in Iraqi laboratories and later deployed during the Iran Iraq war. Saddam Hussein would later use them against his own people in Kurdish villages.

Iraq was not isolated and shared of her cache with Syria.

Over decades, weak UN bodies, compromised by US Deep State intelligence, obfuscated over the known WMD production.

I became aware of this as a writer/blogger looking into corrupt activity in Australia. Australia had nearly entangled herself with Iraq in the early ‘70s when a left wing Prime Minister Gough Whitlam considered borrowing substantial money from Iraq to make up his budget shortfalls.

I followed the Middle East situations out of ignorance. I have Jewish Ancestry, from Amsterdam, but am an evangelical Christian. I had thought, things were balanced in the Middle East regarding Israel. I was an early Wikipedia editor and discovered the Balfour Agreement had two states, Israel and Jordan. Palestine, as a state was never conceived under Balfour. The protectorate was called Palestine as Rome called it when it was the Jewish homeland. The people now calling themselves Palestinians are the losers of the Jordanian civil war. It is an outrage the international community hasn’t settled the matter by declaring the people as refugees of Jordan. Instead terrorists camp out near Israel wanting her destruction. And generations are raised with a terrorist identity.

One thing President George Bush championed was Democracy in the Middle East. Palestinian Democracy voted in Hamas and a fawning, adoring press bemoaned the lost possibility that other terrorists hadn’t won election. I wrote of how the situation was not, as the papers presented, the worst outcome. The worst outcome actually being the loss of a future democracy to the so called Palestinian peoples, who had no alternatives between choice of terrorist leadership. That worst case scenario was achieved, without world press noticing. A sergeant in US Central Command saw my article and offered resources. I never used them, as I didn’t know how. But I badged my blog with Centcom and linked them.

One of my blog duties became copying links and articles regarding news and current affairs. When Syria had deployed WMD against her own people, President Bush claimed a line was drawn in the sand. An AP article I copied had markers from Syrian weapons linking back through Iraq to Carter’s gift.

I daily published articles as part of my writing discipline. One day, during Obama’s administration, Google went into my blogger and deleted an article. I produced about 7k words a day and had no idea at first what was taken. But when I searched my own blog for the AP article and link, I’d discovered it was gone. This was an abuse of power that came about during the first Obama administration. Nobody else, but the Deep state linked to Carter, would care about the article.

Media consensus has it that WMD were developed separately by Iraq and Iran. That Iraq research began in the ‘60s. You have been lied to. Quis bono?

So, in summary. A long media campaign claiming there was no WMD, suited the deep state, who used social media to convince the wider public. It doesn’t mean the war mongering was right. It means, to defend the republic, we need to bring freedom, not control, to social media. We need to restore basic academic principles to academia. We need to produce fierce and independent journalism. And, we need justice for those who lied to us.

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