5 years ago1907 Great plains way Bolingbrook IL 60490 Herrington Estates Bolingbrook IL. Youll Fall in LOVE !!!keithkreis
10 months agoHomewreker busting balls with HDB68 925 hpa testing | chicago less lethalCHICAGO LESS LETHAL
7 months agoHDR68 testing with lots of different barrels 1100hpa 90 joules to 56 joulesCHICAGO LESS LETHAL
8 months agoTac fam armory 8.5 gram .68 caliber 357 shaped rounds manstoppers | chicago less lethalCHICAGO LESS LETHAL
10 months agowhat is a good 50+ joule less lethal defense weapon | Chicago Less Lethal | 312-882-2715CHICAGO LESS LETHAL
7 months agoAll American Ammunition 14g shaped projectile testing HDR68 1100 hpa 97joulesCHICAGO LESS LETHAL