2 years ago@authoritycheckpresents1#frauditor @AuthorityCheck your friend DAVID EARL WORDEN In Hospital?Poordirtfarmer1
2 years agoJoe Amico Vegas Man Community Watch guy Major Charges @AuthorityCheck @WhatsTruth77 #FrauditorPoordirtfarmer1
1 year agoAuthority Check said Rape is Fun @purplephoenix82 @purplesmeangirls2358 @AuthorityCheckPoordirtfarmer1
2 years ago@AuthorityCheck @theshytshow admits to using the most raunchous pornhub videos for his pornbombingThePDFELVES
2 years ago@AuthorityCheck 2 party state law means you and Azzcrack Are Guilty? #frauditorPoordirtfarmer1
2 years ago@WhatsTruth77 @WhatsTruth777 @WhatsTruth777 @AUTHORITYCHECKPRESENTS @AuthorityCheckPoordirtfarmer1