Dr. Judy Mikovits | Why Was Patent US-2020279585-A1, the "System And Method for Testing for COVID-19" Assigned to Inventor Richard A Rothschild On October 13th 2015? | What Are Patents: US-2020279585-A1 & WO-2020-060606? + Dr. David Martin
Patent US-2020279585-A1 | Why Was Patent US-2020279585-A1 for the "System And Method for Testing for COVID-19" Assigned to Inventor Richard A Rothschild On October 13th 2015? | Read Patent: US-2020279585-A1 & WO-2020-060606
Patent US-2020279585-A1 | Why Was Patent US-2020279585-A1 for the "System And Method for Testing for COVID-19" Assigned to Inventor Richard A Rothschild On October 13th 2015? | Read Patent: US-2020279585-A1 & WO-2020-060606
666 | Why Is 666 Mark of the Beast Symbolism Now On Display for All to See? CERN Logo = 666, WEF Logo = 666, Google Logo = 666, Corona = 666, Microsoft Patent WO-2020-060606 + The Inventor of the RFID Chip
Dr. Stella Immanuel | 72 Biblical Signs of the Times Happening NOW Including: HR 666, Google Chrome Logo = 666, World Economic Forum Logo = 666, Microsoft Patent WO-2020-060606, HR 6666, CERN Logo = 666, Quant.Network, MIT Quantum Dot, WWW = 666
666 | REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES | WEF Logo = 666, CERN Logo = 666, Google Chrome Logo = 666, WWW = 6666, CORONA = 666, HR 6666 = Forced Vaccination, WO-2020-060606 = MARK OF THE BEAST
Mark of the Beast | Is the Mark of the Beast Technology Now Here? Look Up the Following: MIT CBDCs, MIT Quantum Dot, Quant.Network, Patent WO-2020-060606