Dr. David Martin Reveals How Global Drug Cartels Control Our Military, Governments & World
joegecko's Documentary ChannelDr. David Martin Reveals How Global Drug Cartels Control Our Military, Governments & World672 views 1 comment -
Vaccinated and Injured Without Consent
ProgressiveTruthSeekersVaccinated and Injured Without Consent May 20, 2024 THE ILLNESS INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX - FOLLOW THE MONEY The Children's Health Defense Throughout her life, Lori has made an effort to question science and medical authorities rather than blindly trusting. She has been personally hurt by the medical establishment but is optimistic about the value of that journey and how she can advocate for others based on what she has learned. Lori appears on CHD .TV to talk about living life alternatively and healing, naturally. Original: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/the-peoples-study/vaccinated-and-injured-without-consent/446 views -
Analysis on Covid-19 "vaccines" performed by Prof. Lorena Diblasi and Dr. Marcela Sangorrín
aalainfreedomhttps://odysee.com/@laquintacolumnainternational:7/Analysis-on-Covid-19-vaccines-performed-by-Prof-Lorena-Diblasi-and-Dr-Marcela-Sangorr%C3%ADn:12.39K views 2 comments -
AstraZeneca ADMITS Vaccine Causes Deadly Blood Clots
ProgressiveTruthSeekersAstraZeneca ADMITS Vaccine Causes Deadly Blood Clots May 9, 2024 THE PLANDEMIC - FOLLOW THE MONEY The Jimmy Dore Show "The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense." ~Dr. Reiner Fuellmich "For the world at large, normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population." ~Bill Gates "We didn't understand that it's a fairly low fatality rate [Covid] and that it's a disease mainly in the elderly, kind of like flu is, although a bit different than that." ~Bill Gates “Bill Gates just admitted mRNA jabs don’t stop infection, don’t block transmission, don’t block mutants, don’t last, don’t work at all... after he sold stock in his vaccine ventures. Thanks, Suckers!” ~Robert F. Kennedy Jr. AstraZeneca has admitted in court for the first time that its Covid vaccine can cause a deadly blood clotting side effect. The exceedingly rare reaction is at the heart of a multi million-pound class action by dozens of families who allege they, or their loved ones, were maimed or killed by the pharmaceutical titan’s ‘defective’ vaccine. Cambridge-based AstraZeneca, which is contesting the claims, acknowledged in a legal document submitted to the High Court in February that its vaccine ‘can, in very rare cases, cause TTS’. TTS is short for thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome – a medical condition where a person suffers blood clots along with a low platelet count. Platelets typically help the blood to clot. The complication – listed as a potential side effect of the jab – has previously been called vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT). AstraZeneca’s admission could lead to pay-outs on a case-by-case basis. Although accepted as a potential side effect for two years, it marks the first time the company has admitted in court that its jab can cause the condition, The Telegraph reports. Taxpayers will foot the bill of any potential settlement because of an indemnity deal AstraZeneca struck with the Government in the darkest days of Covid to get the jabs produced as quickly as possible while the country was paralyzed by lockdowns. https://www.cf.org/news/astrazeneca-admits-for-first-time-its-covid-vaccine-can-cause-deadly-blood-clots/ Original: https://youtu.be/8DjwV1c9N-w Any help would truly be appreciated! https://www.patreon.com/ProgressiveTruthSeekers Please! BUY ME A COFFEE https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ProgressiveTruthSeekers #CrimeAgainstHumanity #Profits #WealthTransfer #GreatReset #Plandemic #Vaccines #BillGates #Klaus #Fauci = Videos: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/watch Podcasts: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/podcasts (Also available on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or your favorite podcast player.) ACCESS TO FULL REPLAYABLE LIVESTREAMS: Become a Premium Member: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/join SUPPORT THE JIMMY DORE SHOW: Make a Donation: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/donate Buy Official Merch (Tees, Sweatshirts, Hats, Bags): https://jimmydorecomedy.com/store DOWNLOAD OUR MOBILE APP: App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jimmy-dore/id839294547 Jimmy Dore on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jimmy_Dore Stef Zamorano on Twitter: https://twitter.com/miserablelib About The Jimmy Dore Show: #TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. The show is also broadcast on Pacifica Radio Network stations throughout the country.918 views 7 comments -
Leaked Video Reveals Rockefeller ‘Predicted’ Covid Jab Depopulation Agenda in 1994
The People's Voice- Help Slash Your Energy Bills Now: http://dontwastepower.com - Claim your ownership stake in The People's Voice: https://collective.thepeoplesvoice.tv According to the mainstream media, the depopulation agenda is fake news, nothing more than a conspiracy cooked up by paranoid conspiracy theorists who need to accept that the globalist elite including Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have our best interests at heart. The bad news for the mainstream media is that we have more than enough evidence to prove the global elite are not committed to improving our lives, but are actually intending to murder the vast majority of us to improve their own standard of living. If that sounds far-fetched, you probably haven’t been paying close attention to events in recent times. Events like the Covid pandemic and mRNA rollout have been in the works for decades. And the bad news is the global elite are just getting started with their plans. How do we know? They laid out the blueprint in speeches like this rare Rockefeller speech from 1994, in which the globalist patriarch outlined detailed plans for massive population reduction, also known as mass murder, in the Western world. This is disturbing but essential viewing for anybody who wants to understand the global elite’s plan for eugenics by stealth and their next steps in the multi-decade plan.312K views 171 comments -
CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: 'Billions Will Die in 2024'
The People's Voice- MYPILLOW: Visit https://www.mypillow.com/tpv to get massive discounts on all MyPillow products. In the final months of his life, former CIA agent Joseph Spencer gathered his family and told them he had many secrets he needed to share with the world in the form of a deathbed confession. At the time, he was dismissed by many as a conspiracy theorist peddling far-fetched theories about secret societies and their plans for humanity. But in 2023 his deathbed confession is gaining attention because everything he predicted is happening as we speak, like clockwork – one chilling prediction after another. The former CIA agent predicted some key things including the pedophilia and child trafficking epidemic, the elite’s obsession with depopulation, chemtrails, alien disclosure, and what he described as a “modified flu virus” that would be unleashed on humanity by the psychopathic elite. Does any of that sound familiar? But his predictions don’t stop there and it’s his predictions for the year 2024 that are shocking those who are familiar with his work.905K views 332 comments -
Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Gatekeeper 'The People's Voice' STILL Pushing 'Viruses'!
KimOsboelOriginal title: Doctors Ordered To Euthanize MILLIONS of Vaccinated Patients to Cover-Up 'Disturbing' Side Effects Yeah Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Gatekeeper 'The People's Voice' is STILL Pushing 'Viruses'! Research this: Has 'The People's Voice' EVER made a Video who proof that No 'Virus' NEVER has been scientifically 'isolated' and does NOT Exists? Fucking Documented and Confirmed! Ask yourself Fucking why? Don't they want people to know the Truth? Is that 'The People's Voice' ? And again another 'Coincidence'? There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'! No 'Virus' has EVER been scientifically 'isolated' and does NOT Exists! Documented and Confirmed! - Dis-'eases' are Poisoning! - 'Viruses' are simply excretions of a toxic cell. - 'Viruses' happen when the Cell is poisoned. - We are all being poisoned slowly daily. - You body are a self-healing machine who detox and heal itself. - You are what you drink, eat and think and what you are 'exposed' to (EMF, 4/5G, WIFI etc) Proof? - watch and research this: TERRAIN The Film Part 1 & 2 (Without Commercials & Advertisement) [15.02.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/YMQ9cNLhP6T6/ https://rumble.com/v2kbxjm-terrain-the-documentary-part-1-and-2-reloaded-without-commercials-and-adver.html https://t.me/KimOsboel/5419 The INside Effects - How the Body Heals Itself! (Full Documentary) [09.07.2023] https://www.bitchute.com/video/53SMY3qe4bAa/ https://rumble.com/v2z6z9s-the-inside-effects-how-the-body-heals-itself-full-documentary-09.07.2023.html https://t.me/KimOsboel/27703 Greg Reese: 'Viruses' NEVER been 'isolated' and does NOT Exists! [Mar 12, 2024] https://www.bitchute.com/video/uWQIdG6b1NhP/ https://rumble.com/v4iv01h-greg-reese-viruses-never-been-isolated-and-does-not-exists-mar-12-2024.html https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/greg-reese-viruses-never-been-isolated https://t.me/KimOsboel/50587?single Greg Reese: Germ Theory Vs. Terrain Theory and Isolation of a Fucking 'Virus'! [19.03.2024] https://rumble.com/v4kgbpc-greg-reese-germ-theory-vs.-terrain-theory-and-isolation-of-a-fucking-virus-.html https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/greg-reese-germ-theory-vs-terrain https://t.me/KimOsboel/51372 https://www.bitchute.com/video/wFNWcLJgbjHW/ Part 1. Who is 'The Gatekeepers Club' aká the Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Psyop Club? https://www.bitchute.com/video/rOYd7MhUPmYa/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/33749?single https://rumble.com/v3hjs2q-who-is-the-gatekeepers-club-ak-the-controlled-opposition-pro-virus-psyop-cl.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=5 https://i.imgur.com/epHARVm.jpg Part 2. Who is 'The Gatekeepers Club' aká the Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Psyop Club (Part 2) [22.10.2023] The HART Group NO 'Virus' controversy! https://www.bitchute.com/video/U9SsZmIcOJ0r/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/37653 https://rumble.com/v3qzp2j-who-is-the-gatekeepers-club-ak-the-controlled-opposition-pro-virus-psyop-cl.html Part 3. Who is 'The Gatekeepers Club' aká the Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Psyop Club Pt 3. [01.11.2023] Christine Anderson, MdEP Health & Democracy Expert Hearing in the EU Parliament - Part 1-3 https://www.bitchute.com/video/Cwmt2K42mUzY/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/38726 https://rumble.com/v3t41am-who-is-the-gatekeepers-club-ak-the-controlled-opposition-pro-virus-psyop-cl.html The Viral Delusion Part 1-5. The Untold Story Behind The Pandemic. The doctors, scientists and journalists examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering. The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 [21.03.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/lSSlS7acUhXa/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/1424 The Viral Delusion Part 2: Monkey Business: Polio, Measles And How It All Began! [27.03.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/B3gApFs1O9jo/ The Viral Delusion Part 3: The Mask of Death, The Plague, Smallpox and The Spanish Flu! [04.04.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/aIx9Mbrk659l/ The Viral Delusion Part 4 - AIDS, The Deadly Deception! [04.04.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/U1CWUCyNcCrv/ The Viral Delusion Part 5 - Sequencing The 'Virus' Without The 'Virus'! [06.04.2022] https://www.bitchute.com/video/l0VxeY70Z53a/ -- The People's Voice 66.8K followers 18 hours ago 59.7K Views https://rumble.com/v4t0725-doctors-ordered-to-euthanize-millions-of-vaccinated-patients-to-cover-up-di.html https://rumble.com/c/THEPEOPLESVOICE https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/?s=pedophiles Big Pharma and the medical industry are desperately scrambling to cover up the full extent of the human tragedy caused by the Covid mRNA vaccines, according to an industry whistleblower who has blown the whistle on what is really happening in hospital corridors. People have been dying so horrifically and so quickly that doctors have been forced to euthanize them to put them out of their misery, according to the whistleblower who reveals that mainstream media is complicit in covering up the extent of the carnage. But as the body bags continue to pile up and more and more people around the world wake up to the grisly reality, the mainstream media has never been less relevant. We are the news now and the people are rising up and demanding justice for the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the global elite.1.43K views 3 comments -
Japan To Ban mRNA As Turbo Cancers Among Vaxxed Skyrocket
The People's Voice- Save 15% off Liver Medic's Leaky Gut Repair using code 'peoplesvoice' - visit: https://livermedic.com/step/leakygutspecial/ -To sponsor this show, email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv - Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet Turbo cancers are exploding among the vaccinated according to Japan’s leading oncologist who has slammed the mainstream media and Big Pharma in the West for covering up the extent of the medical crisis engulfing the world. Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima was ordered by the Japanese government to investigate why excess deaths skyrocketed in Japan in recent years. His findings were conclusive: mRNA has destroyed immune systems and opened a Pandora’s box of autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections. The Professor has a dire warning for those in the West – do not listen to mainstream media and Big Pharma as they are not engaged in science, but rather a eugenics experiment, and they have proven themselves to be enemies of the people.524K views 151 comments -
PREMEDITATED CRIME: FDA knew mRNA jabs had enormous health risks | Sasha Latypova
frankploegmanAccording to former pharmaceutical R&D executive Sasha Latypova, the FDA already knew in 2015 (and even earlier) that mRNA gene therapy had enormous, even lethal, health risks such as cancer. If pharmaceutical companies wanted to use this technology, the FDA required them to exclude these risks before they were allowed to proceed. The FDA knew the risks were so huge that no tests were allowed on healthy humans, because that was considered unethical. Fast forward just 5 years and we have the ‘pandemic’ of which we knew before Summer 2020 that it was no worse than a severe flu season. Experimental ‘vaccines’ were to be mass injected. The FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), which is essentially code language for both: 1. “All essential safety and efficacy tests skipped” 2. Severe conflict of interest: “Pharmaceutical company is likely to make an absurd amount of money, but is not liable if their product doesn’t work and/or is harmful.” Suddenly the gene therapy that was too dangerous to test on healthy humans just 6 years ago, was now not only “safe and effective,” but also de facto mandated. REFERENCES https://sashalatypova.substack.com/ https://x.com/sasha_latypova Team Enigma: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/teamenigma/ SOURCE: https://twitter.com/SenseReceptor/status/1783568982928203928672 views 5 comments -
“It became soft” – Autopsy shows Pfizer jab disintegrated man’s heart | Prof. Fukushima
frankploegmanAPR. 19, 2024. Prof. Manori Fukushima recounts the story of a 28-year-old man who had no known health conditions and died suddenly due to a heart attack just 5 days after his second Pfizer jab. When the doctor tried to remove the heart during the autopsy, it turned out to be soft and had disintegrated. SOURCE Segment from: https://twitter.com/_aussie17/status/1784613449584275730547 views 2 comments