playlist thumnail

Biden Clown Show

135 videos
Updated 5 months ago
  1. Creepy Biden Clown Show: "We all know, and I mean this sincerely, that HBCU students are just as capable as any other students. No, no, seriously."
  2. Biden Clown Show: "My name's Joe Biden... homeland security secretary uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhhuhuhuh... I took action to secure our border... Not a joke!.." Dr. Jill: "And that's what Joe is doing today for all of us!"
  3. Biden Clown Mumbling Show: Do it, Joe, do it!
  4. Harris-Biden Clown Show: "Internet is just as important as it was in the days of Franklin Roosevelt... Supreme Court blocked me... we'll never forget, lying around, *confused gibberish*, him, lying around, actually..."
  5. Biden Clown Show in West Point: "I was appointed to the Naval Academy, I wanted to play football... the fall he a tied, that fall he decided, look, I shouldn't get into this, probably... you can clap for that..."
  6. Biden Clown Marching Show.
  7. Biden Clown Show: "The African continent will have a billion people not too soon... Okay, next, I, uh — do I ask the next question, as well?.. we're also engaged in the Congo in that neighborhood!.. WHOA!"
  8. Biden Clown Show: "The pack that means monthly saypens... I say to every young man, marry into a family with 5 or more daughters... after I signed the packandumpackatlike act into law."
  9. The Day Of Joy: Biden inspires Black graduates at Morehouse College by telling them that they’re victims and America hates them.
  10. Biden Pandering Show: "I don't feel tired, I feel inspired!. I got involved in civil rights when I was 15.. When I was VP, things were kinda bad during the pandemic.. Erectionists!. they're trying to erase black history! Literally!"