The News Junkie's Cartoons

The News Junkie's Cartoons

    Who is running the country? For the first time in 11 months, Biden holds a full Cabinet meeting & immediately turned the mic over to his wife: "I'd like to turn it over to Jill for any comments she has. It’s all yours, kid."
    Celebrities praise Kamala. Kamala cooks another word salad.
    Q: What's your plan of lowering the cost of living? Kamala cooks a giant word salad: "In terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations & dreams & ambitions... and we need to deal with that... tax credit."
    Democrat Winfrey: "We feel for our fellow citizens in Springfield, OH, the Haitian families, everybody having to deal with this lie that has endangered the lives of Haitian people & anybody who looks Haitian." Kamala nodding.
    Q: What would be your specific steps to strengthening the border? Kamala: Let's cook some giant word salad!
    Democrat Winfrey: "The moment Joe Biden stepped aside, that a veil or something dropped, and you just stepped into your power. And I saw you walking in the thing and I said, what happened to you?" Kamala cackles.
    Democrat Oprah Winfrey: "We have 400 people in our audience! Powered movement behind Kamala Harris has unleashed a unifying force unlike anything we've seen in politics in a very long time. You can feel it." Trump: What?
    Biden: "I've never once spoken to Chairman Fed since I became president." 2022: "I'm meeting with Chairman to discuss my top priority, and that is addressing inflation. That's why we're meeting," the press leaves.
    Biden says he has to lie about his 'progress' because otherwise Americans' economic outlooks are "locked in the fear of negative mindset," not because the inflation and overall prices are up.
    Desperate Rachel Maddow claims that the election will be just "fine, with normal results, nothing wrong ever happens," but Republicans won't certify it no matter what trying to overthrow the government like they did on Jan 6.
    Desperate Democrats: Susan Rice goes to MSNBC to lie about Trump planning to deport legal immigrants and even American citizens just because he doesn't like them.
    Comrade Kamala Harris thinks she's a role model: "It's tough. Being a part of the role model club means being in a room where sometimes you may be the only person who has had the experiences you've had." Indeed.
    Creepy Biden Pandering & Dividing Show: "The other team doesn't see the world like we see it, they don't have the same attitude we have, they are the most closed-minded people that I've ever dealt with."
    As JD Vance annihilates Dana Bash on her own fake news CNN show, she's like an android robot that just blew a fuse: Her system can’t handle the truth.
    In the meanwhile Creepy Biden handlers keep doing their routine and kick the press out of the Oval Office.
    The Babylon Bee Trailer. January 6: The Most Deadliest Day.
    Q: What do you tell people who wake up each morning wondering 'How am I going to get by financially?' Democrat Tim Walz: "I tell them Kamala Harris and I know something about it being middle class folks."
    House Democrats telling the truth: "Democrats are committed to putting politics over people."
    Kamala Harris Pandering Show: "The children of the community are the children of the community."
    All you need to know about Democrat Tim Walz: "There's no guarantee to free speech
    You can't make this shit up. WH Press Sec epic meltdown over a reporter calling her out on saying "Trump is a threat to our Democracy."
    Democrats' gaslighting on steroids: Kamala Harris unwillingly calls herself out on her own rhetoric and dividing the country.
    Q: Whether or not voters better off now than they were 4 years ago? Kamala: "Is the price of grocery too high? Yes. It's too expensive. People can't afford to buy a home. I grew up a middle-class kid. I know where I come from..."
    Quite truthful piece on Kamala Harris by 60 Minutes Australia.
    Just answer the damn question! Democrat Tim Walz cooks a giant word salad that has absolutely nothing to do with the questions asked by a reporter.