9-11/September 11
30 videos
Updated 4 months ago
Reading List
*9-11 Evil: Israel's Central Role
*9/11 and American Empire
*9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
*9/11: The Big Lie by Thierry Meyssan
*Another Nineteen by Kevin Ryan
*Big Bamboozle 9/11 War on Terror
*Black 9/11 Money Motive Technology
*The CIA and September 11
*Extreme Prejudice Patriot Act 9/11 Iraq
*Most Dangerous 9/11 as Mass Ritual
*New Pearl Harbor Revisited
*Painful Questions Analysis September
*Prophet of Evil: Aleister Crowley 9/11
*The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire
*Solving 9-11 Books Christopher Bollyn
*Terror Conspiracy Deception 9/11
*Terror Timeline Comprehensive
*The Trigger: The Lie that Changed
*Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against
*Where did the Towers Go Judy Wood
9-11/September 11 Odysee Playlist
9-11/September 11 Rumble Playlist
9-11/September 11 YouTube Playlist
Captain Dan Hanley on Who Really Hijacked America on 9/11
FFFWNCaptain Dan Hanley, founder of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers https://911pilots.org/ drew half a million views and 7,000 comments on Redacted last month—a sign of the widespread mistrust of the 9/11 official story that is the biggest reason Americans now hate the media enough to elect an anti-media president.1.28K views 13 comments -
The Dark Magick of 9/11 with Mr. TruthBomb.
williamramseyThe Dark Magick of 9/11 with Mr. TruthBomb.3.32K views 4 comments -
Ted Walter Dissects the 9/11 Phone Calls
The Official Corbett Report Rumble ChannelSHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://corbettreport.com/walter-911calls/ Joining us today is Ted Walter of the International Center for 9/11 Justice (ic911.org). We discuss the center, its work, its recent symposium on "Aviation Impossibilities: Deconstructing the Official Story of the 9/11 Hijackings and Air Defense Failures" and Walter's own research detailing the many anomalies, contradictions and impossibilities found in the reports of the phone calls supposedly made on the planes that day. We also talk about the state of the 9/11 Truth movement and what achieving 9/11 justice would actually mean. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SHOW NOTES WITH LINKS TO ALL OF THE ARTICLES, VIDEOS AND WEBSITES MENTIONED? HOW ABOUT COMMENTS? THEY’RE AT THE CORBETT REPORT WEBSITE! JUST FOLLOW THE “SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS” LINK ABOVE TO GO THERE DIRECTLY. CSID: a26cec1fd4ef5855 Content Managed by ContentSafe.co13.6K views 80 comments -
9-11 Unsolved Mysteries 23 Years Later | #GrandTheftWorld 201 (Clip)
Grand Theft WorldThis episode of #GrandTheftWorld dives deep into 9/11's lingering mysteries, exploring oddities that challenge the official narrative. Richard Grove and experts provide new evidence that uncovers hidden truths, igniting critical thinking and pushing back against accepted history. Entire episode here: https://rumble.com/v5f38uz-grand-theft-world-podcast-201-another-cat-astrophe-near-trump.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp Archive of ALL GTW Episodes: https://grandtheftworld.com/gtw-podcast/ Grand Theft World podcast is an educational series providing a world-class education based on historical context, artifacts and evidence to un-distort weekly news, leaving the audience with a non-contradictory understanding of reality. Livestreaming Weekly: Sunday Nights | 9:30PM Eastern - 5AM: https://www.GrandTheftWorld.com/live Freedom and Cognitive Liberty are not a sprint, they are a super-marathon; Long Attention Spans Win the Day and are Rewarded with Understanding and the currency of Wisdom to share with others. For the full episode, replays, downloads, and show notes, visit: https://grandtheftworld.com/ Get Richard's Freedom Vault: https://getautonomy.info/freedomvault Use Clip Genie Here: https://clipgenie.com/GTW Gauge Your Autonomy In 3 Minutes https://getautonomy.richardgrove.org/guage-your-autonomy To watch the Grand Theft World live stream, create your FREE Rokfin account @ https://rokfin.com/RichardGrove Streaming live on Sunday nights at 9:30 pm ET! Join a diverse community of people who seek to learn about the bigger picture and adapt to navigating current events, blazing a new path to the truth in the GTW Community. GET 2 MONTHS FREE ACCESS TO THE GTW COMMUNITY: https://grandtheftworld.com/sign-up/1.12K views 1 comment -
Who Really Did 911? The Truth You're Not Supposed to Tell
Daily Veracity with Vincent JamesHelp us build a studio: https://www.givesendgo.com/newstudioforvince Join and support $2 monthly! https://www.subscribestar.com/vincent-james ✅Get Emergency Food Supply with 25 yr shelf-life: https://preparewithvincent.com/ PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW AND HELP US BUILD A STUDIO in 2023 https://www.givesendgo.com/newstudioforvince ✅Support on our website: https://www.dailyveracity.com/support/ ✅CashApp: https://cash.app/$RealVincentJames ✅Visit our Shop! https://rightsidethreads.com/ 🔵₿itcoin: 3JQpoLyErUsFSdgB4YGhvuo4HxsEQDvywa 🔵₿itcoin Option 2: bc1qx7l4yfzle373q5rwr99v33l3s0t0c9dnfyqhgy Monthly Subscription to Exclusive Segments and Articles ✅SUBSCRIBESTAR: https://www.subscribestar.com/vincent-james ✅LOCALS: https://locals.com/realvincentjames SUPPORT MY SHOW BY GETTING PREPAREDNESS SUPPLY FOLLOW ME ON ALTERNATIVE PLATFORMS ✔️LIVE SHOW: https://cozy.tv/vince ✔️Telegram: https://t.me/RealVincentJames ✔️ Gab: http://bit.ly/2S3Fkrz ✔️ Bitchute-Videos: http://bit.ly/2Wh1B5R ✔️Rumble: https://bit.ly/3awJG5E ✔️Odysee: https://odysee.com/@RealRedElephants ✔️ Parler: https://parler.com/profile/RealVincentJames ✔️ Minds: http://bit.ly/2G16yKr SEND PACKAGES / LETTERS: PO Box 3492 Post Falls, ID 838777.73K views 42 comments -
9/11: 23 YEARS LATER! - Dancing Israelis, Controlled Demolition & False Flags! - 1 Hour Special
World Alternative MediaGET FREEZE DRIED BEEF HERE: https://wambeef.com/ Use Code WAMBEEF to save 25%! 10+ Year Shelf life & All Natural! GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE: https://heavensharvest.com/ USE Code WAM to save 5%! BUY GOLD HERE: https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/ GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE: https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1 Find James Corbett's work at https://corbettreport.com/ Find Richard Gage's work at https://richardgage911.org/ Josh Sigurdson reports on 9/11 on the 23rd anniversary of the tragedy that lead the world into complete militaristic tyranny with millions dying in the aftermath. 9/11 was a false flag attack that changed the world forever. In this video, we talk about controlled demolition, we play an interview with Richard Gage AIA from a year ago and we delve into the Dancing Israelis coverup by showing a 2016 report from the great James Corbett who detailed the Dancing Israelis brilliantly. Why were confirmed Mossad agents waiting on a rooftop to take photos of the World Trade Centers falling 45 minutes before the first plane hit? Why were they sent to document the event days before it happened by the Israeli government? Why were they dancing and celebrating? Who was involved in the September 11th attacks? Israel? The United States government? Elements of MI6? There are many theories but it appears that western intelligence agencies worked together to play out the script which has opened the door to vast levels of surveillance and tyranny since. All one has to say today is "Building 7" and people will know what they're talking about, but it hasn't always been that way. Today we're dealing with many similar false flags like October 7th in Israel or "Covid." They all lead to crackdowns based on fear and compliance. We must be vigilant and call it out as we see it instead of waiting 23 years for people to wake up. In the face of World War 3, civil war, destruction of the food and energy supply, economic collapse, housing collapse, demoralization, psyops and more we must prepare ourselves. It is the only way to set ourselves free is to not be dependent on the system that enslaves us. Stay tuned for more from WAM! ORDER QUALITY MEAT TO YOUR DOOR HERE: https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321 Save 20% and get $15 off your FIRST order! Support your local farms and stay healthy! HELP SUPPORT US AS WE DOCUMENT HISTORY HERE: https://gogetfunding.com/help-wam-cover-history/ PayPal: ancientwonderstelevision@gmail.com FIND OUR CoinTree page here: https://cointr.ee/joshsigurdson JOIN US on SubscribeStar here: https://www.subscribestar.com/world-alternative-media For subscriber only content! Follow us on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/WorldAltMedia Pledge here! Just a dollar a month can help us alive! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=2652072&ty=h&u=2652072 BITCOIN ADDRESS: 18d1WEnYYhBRgZVbeyLr6UfiJhrQygcgNU World Alternative Media 20248.11K views 13 comments -
Retired Airline Captain Dan Hanley Disputes 9/11 Narrative
TruNewsWith war with Iran on the near horizon and the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 weeks away, we should consider the possibility that a secretive cabal has pushed the USA into two-decades of warfare in the Middle East. My guest today is Captain Dan Healey. He is a retired United Airlines pilot. He is the director of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers. He is here to remind us of the lies and coverups about September 11, and to understand why the official narrative cannot be true. Rick Wiles, Captain Dan Hanley. Airdate 08/05/2024 Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.com You can partner with us by visiting https://www.TruNews.com/donate, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961. Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves! https://www.AmericanReserves.com Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! https://www.TruNewsGold.com It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter.Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! https://www.amazon.com/Final-Day-Characteristics-Second-Coming/dp/0578260816/ Apple users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! https://books.apple.com/us/audiobook/final-day-10-characteristics-of-the-second-coming/id1687129858 Purchase the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. https://www.sacrificingliberty.com/watch The Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today! https://tru.news/faucielf3.22K views 28 comments -
New Footage of 9/11 Collapses Surface After 23 Years
The David Knight Show• WATCH What does new footage show? • WATCH Many, many people contradict the official story • WATCH When They Planted 9/11 Explosives • WATCH Fire Commissioner Angrily Demands an REAL Investigation, and answers to questions that were never asked by the 9/11 Commission Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver Follow The David Knight Show on Rumble and watch the show live every weekday 9:00am EST – 12:00pm EST: Rumble: The David Knight Show For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go toTrendsJournal.comand enter the code KNIGHT Find out more about the show and where you can watch it atTheDavidKnightShow.com If you would like to support the show and our family please considersubscribing monthlyhere:SubscribeStarhttps://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show Or you can send a donation through Mail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764 Zelle:@DavidKnightShow@protonmail.com CashAppat: $davidknightshow BTCto: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh76.41K views 19 comments -
✈️#911Truth Part 16: Bill Cooper’s 9/11 Prediction During June 28, 2001 Radio Broadcast
Math Easy SolutionsIn #911Truth Part 16 I clip together the infamous 9/11 prediction by legendary radio broadcast host Milton William “Bill” Cooper which he made during his June 28, 2001 radio broadcast “Hour of the Time” show. Bill Cooper stated with certainty that Osama bin Laden was going to be the next boogeyman to take the blame for a major attack that was to happen on USA soil. Fast forward a few months and 9/11 happened and within minutes the Osama boogeyman was plastered all over the news and USA was soon to start bombing countries in the Middle East. Bill Cooper’s prediction was not a psychic prophecy or even the result of a detailed analysis of current events, but instead it is merely the logical outcome of the absurdity of world events and the willing compliance of the public to accept anything and everything the uniform TV authority box is presenting. And during that time the usual mainstream media propaganda outlets were pushing the usual “extremist Muslim terrorists are plotting to attack the Western world". The spearhead of this fake news campaign is none other than the legendary satire news organization, CNN, which somehow got an exclusive interview inside Osama’s SECRET HIDEOUT, something which trillions of dollars of tax-payer funded USA military and intelligence agencies “couldn’t” do. The writing was on the wall that the CIA funded Osama was the next in line of a long succession of propped up "enemies" to rile up the public in the usual fearful chants for war and to remove their basic human rights in place for an illusion of temporary security as you get X-ray scanned and groped whenever going into an airport. Extrapolate this same scheme to today, and soon you will have to present a digital certificate of “health” whenever walking outside or even just choosing to breathe air without a muzzle. However, the writing was on the wall for Bill Cooper himself, since he was getting a very large radio broadcasting following on his show “Hour of the Time”, something which could not have been contained had he been allowed to live. And along with predicting 9/11 he had also predicted his death was soon to follow as well. He was among the first and foremost true truth-seekers, someone that would smile at the face of the death even it means it is required to uphold principle, the principle to live as one sees fit and not as demanded by others into violent compliance. Bill is a shiny example of what it means to be an individual in the face of a blind collective, and is an example that I strive to live by. The original broadcast was 1 hour long and, along with other important works by and for Bill Cooper, can be viewed and downloaded in the corresponding Hive notes: https://peakd.com/hive-113182/@mes/911truth-part-16-bill-cooper-s-9-11-prediction-during-june-28-2001-radio-broadcast Stay tuned for #911Truth Part 17... Related Videos: ✈️#911Truth Part 4: Dr. Judy Wood Litmus Test + Bill Cooper's Death + MORE: https://peakd.com/terrorism/@mes/video-notes-911truth-part-4-dr-judy-wood-litmus-test-bill-cooper-s-death-more ✈️#911Truth Part 11: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Alchemy – Facing Reality by Wolf Clan Media: https://peakd.com/terrorism/@mes/911truth-part-11-feature-documentary-9-11-alchemy-facing-reality-by-wolf-clan-media ✈️#911Truth Part 15: Feature Presentation: The Dawn of a New Age by Dr. Judy Wood: https://peakd.com/freeenergy/@mes/911truth-part-15-feature-presentation-the-dawn-of-a-new-age-by-dr-judy-wood #911Truth video series: https://peakd.com/truth/@mes/911 #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps17.7K views 2 comments