Ben Shapiro SCHOOLS House Committee on Big Tech Censorship
Ben ShapiroI testified before Congress on the alleged conspiracy to suppress conservative voices under the guise of "brand safety." I exposed the political motivations behind this censorship, its impact on media freedom, and their failed attempts to permanently silence voices like The Daily Wire, Fox News, and Joe Rogan. 1️⃣ Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: https://get.dailywireplus.com/member-block/ben-shapiro 2️⃣ Become a DailyWire+ member to gain access to movies, shows, documentaries, and more: https://bit.ly/3lfVtwK 👕 Get your Ben Shapiro merch here: https://bit.ly/3TAu2cw #BenShapiro #TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #Congress #BigTech #Media #LegacyMedia #JoeBiden #Censorship #BigTechCensorship #CongressionalHearing #FoxNews #JoeRogan71.4K views 59 comments -
Will You Obey the 'Ministries of Truth'? Global Censorship Movement Spreading Fast
CBN NewsA censorship movement is rising in the world's democracies – whether it's British citizens charged over social media posts, France's arrest of the owner of the social media platform Telegram, Brazil's shutting down Elon Musk's X for not complying with censorship restrictions, or Mark Zuckerberg's admission that the Biden White House pressured Facebook and Instagram to censor stories it didn't like. "This anti-free speech movement is the most sophisticated, largest and global movement we have ever faced," says legal scholar Jonathan Turley, author of The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage. Turley says, "I think the problem with free speech is that every generation has to defend it. And this generation has never been more divided, because they have been told that free speech is going to hurt them." A poll last month by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression found nearly one in three Americans now believe the First Amendment "goes too far. " Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz told MSNBC in 2022, "I think we need to push back on this. There's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy." FULL STORY: https://www2.cbn.com/news/us/new-ministries-truth-fast-spreading-global-censorship-movement20.4K views 3 comments -
嘰喳貼Greg Gutfeld 回應 Taylor Lorenz 的埋怨 來源: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/01/29/gutfeld_mocks_taylor_lorenz_and_media_layoffs_wed_like_.html5 views -
調查記者 Lara Logan 在參議員 Ron Johnson 圓桌會議上的講話
嘰喳貼調查記者 Lara Logan 在參議員 Ron Johnson 於 2024 年 2 月 26 日星期一主持的 COVID-19 圓桌會議上發表講話。 美國參議員 Ron Johnson 主持的圓桌討論,題為“聯邦衛生機構和COVID集團:他們隱藏了什麼?”專家小組將揭露 covid 真相。 講員將揭露covid集團——聯邦衛生機構、大型製藥公司、傳統媒體和大型科技公司——如何進行審查和掩蓋。 這次討論也將揭示全球精英及其機構的失敗和腐敗。12 views -
嘰喳貼惡意的打斷容易看出來,別的偏見比較隱晦。 媒體應該讓我們看見,由我們來判斷。 來源: Stossel TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7voF2YTBeb83 views -
被審查 Censored
嘰喳貼言論自由第一案。 密蘇里法務部長的採訪 來源: https://fullmeasure.news/newest-videos/censored-12-24-202310 views -
Covid 與學術界:我們學到了什麼?- Tracy Beth Høeg
嘰喳貼異端學院研究研討會,2024 年 2 月 23 日在史丹佛大學教師俱樂部舉行。 Dr. Tracy Beth Høeg 是加州大學舊金山分校(UCSF)的醫生和流行病學家,也是南丹麥大學臨床研究副教授,研究方向在實證醫學、疫苗、COVID-19、公共衛生、醫學倫理和運動醫學 。 她的研究,專注於疫苗接種的聯合流行病學研究,目標是對比斯堪的納維亞國家與美國,改善公共衛生和醫學研究的透明、合作和理解。 來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMFNbHbikak18 views -
Seth Dillon: 來加入這場自由言論的爭戰
嘰喳貼說話,不該是這麼危險的事。 Seth Dillon,分享《巴比倫蜜蜂》的封號,以及 Elon Musk 收購 Twitter 的背後故事。 邀大家加入,這場自由言論的爭戰。 來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htuP2OmNbNc2 views -
Richard Nixon 總統提醒美國人:警惕媒體的無限權力
嘰喳貼Frank Gannon 在 Richard Nixon 辭職之後,作了一系列的長篇採訪。 這是 1983 年 6 月 10 日第三部分的開始。 沒有得到告別演講機會的 Nixon,提醒美國人,警惕媒體精英複合體的權力。 喬治亞大學的口述歷史收藏。 錄製於 1983 年。 來源: https://youtube.com/watch?v=TEX6ONLvJg0 https://georgiaoralhistory.libs.uga.edu/gannix/gannix_038118 views