Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth : Part 1
TheOnlyPoemTaking a break from playing LaTale to dive back into the world of Final Fantasy 7. Does Cloud stop being a prick? What happens to Barret's daughter? Did I skip Yuffie's side mission? (yes) Lets get started.22 views -
Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth : Part 2
TheOnlyPoemTaking a break from playing LaTale to dive back into the world of Final Fantasy 7. We left off in the middle of the past. (I was hoping to get through the whole thing, but dinner was calling) Lets see what happens next...23 views -
Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth : Part 3
TheOnlyPoemTaking a break from playing LaTale to dive back into the world of Final Fantasy 7. Does Cloud stop being a prick? Still in the middle of chapter 2- our creepy materia obsessed friend has made a return (stalker mode enabled). He gave the party tasks that feel more like sidequests, so I'm thinking (at least as I start) to jump back onto the main storyline and push forward.29 views -
Final Fantasy IIV - Rebirth : Part 4
TheOnlyPoemTaking a break from playing LaTale to dive back into the world of Final Fantasy 7. Rushed past a bunch of sidequests and discovered the importance of saving regularly. Now, picking up where I left off with Barrett and Red XIII for a boss fight. Lost this one twice, and off-stream went ahead and grinded out two additional levels for the duo to make it easier (hopefully).25 views -
Final Fantasy IIV - Rebirth : Part V
TheOnlyPoemTaking a break from playing LaTale to dive back into the world of Final Fantasy 7. Wow- played a bit longer than anticipated in the last session. Killed a fish, and ended up going astray from the main storyline. Not the worst trade-off, as leveling makes a huge difference in the game. Also, found the remake of the strategy game from the original - so obviously had to follow that route a bit. Obviously. Going to continue where part 4 leaves off ....32 views -
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth : Part VI
TheOnlyPoemAt the end of part 5, I had finish rounding up all the extra objectives around the region - mainly in the hopes to gain a level or two.14 views -
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth : Part VII
TheOnlyPoemAlright, left off right before the big inauguration parade. Trump is about to be crowned President of Shinra. Let's move out!25 views -
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth : Part 8
TheOnlyPoemFresh off the boat as Champion of Queen's Blood - and ready to hit the beach.15 views -
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth : Part 9
TheOnlyPoemSeriously... This beach area is kind of 'meh.' But - I'm just about (hopefully) done with it.20 views -
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth : Part 10
TheOnlyPoemLast time on the playthrough - we took on Hojo's mechanical beach menace, and began climbing a mountain with Aerith and Red XIII. The Turks met us near the summit - and dropped off another mechanical friend. We got to see the Shinra board agree to serve Trump Jr. - and now we awake as Zack. Zack... didn't this guy die? Lets pick it up.37 views