🔬#MESExperiments: MES Science Experiments
33 videos
Updated 1 year ago
Follow along my amazing experiments exploring all things science, physics, gravity, and electromagnetism, to better understand just what our reality really is!
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🔬#MESExperiments - Introduction to MES Science Experiments!
Math Easy SolutionsIn this video I go over a quick introduction on a brand new video series on presenting some of the amazing MES Science Experiments that I have been performing in my quest for Suppressed #FreeEnergy and #AntiGravity Science. After spending months of countless hours researching for my #AntiGravity Part 6 video, it appears that I may have a few more countless of research to adequately present my bombshell findings! That being said, I have gone on too long of a hiatus of not uploading videos so this definitely has to change! Thus uploading some of the experiments that I am doing behind the scenes is a great way to show you some of the research I am working on and also to get your feedback and thoughts of your own as to exactly what is happening. Here at MES, simple regurgitation of mainstream “science” talking points is not good enough, but feel free to provide your very own explanation… regardless of how far-out it may be. I don’t pretend like I have a clue what reality is so I am open to all suggestions. My #AntiGravity Part 6 research is on all things spinning, and this has led me to explore ALL avenues of life: from physics, electromagnetism, gravity, to religion, philosophy, and even real time sports. Simply trying to discover the true mechanism and causation of how a simple spinning top stays upright (and no, simply saying “angular momentum” is not an answer) involves diving into the world of duality: objects at rest & objects in motion, light & darkness, life & death, good & evil, conscious & subconscious, Humanity & God, etc.; and with Rotation representing the merger of seemingly opposing forces. This interconnectedness of all things has led me to believe that simply understanding the true fundamental behavior of anything, regardless of how specific, involves understanding everything: If you know anything, you know everything. With those MES words of wisdom being said, stay tuned as I will be uploading some truly amazing science experiments! Also, while I continue to research for my epic #AntiGravity Part 6 video, I will also be throwing in some mathematical challenging videos throughout, since Mathematics is the name of the game here at MES. And instead of just waiting to see what experiments I perform, get started by buying a gyroscope and see what magical experiments you can discover! Download the notes in my video: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIh6Rqg2ythWPKFpBaLg View video notes on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-introduction-to-mes-science-experiments Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps197 views 1 comment -
🔬#MESExperiments 1: Gyroscopes Precess Upwards on Low Friction & Rotating Surfaces
Math Easy SolutionsWhat better way to begin my #MESExperiments video series than by demonstrating one of the most universally unknown properties of gyroscopes: their ability to RISE UPWARDS as they precess. In this experiment I show that this ability of gyroscopes depends partially on the angle it is tilted relative to the vertical but depends mainly on the amount of “friction” of the surface it is placed on. The lower the friction, the better the gyroscope’s ability to magically rise. Even when it precesses about a rotating platform, the gyroscope can still rise upwards! The rotating platform is a good way to minimize the friction between the gyroscope stem and the surface it is placed on. What’s also VERY interesting, is that with higher friction, the gyroscope may even lower to the ground in a matter of seconds; while with lower friction the gyroscope precesses for several minutes longer upwards, and, as I will show in my later experiments, it remains upright for a much longer time than higher friction surfaces. This is a truly amazing demonstration of just another magical property of gyroscopes. Let me know what you think is going on here! Note that the precession speed increases presumably as the gyro wheel spin speed decreases, thus providing an acceleration in precession speed. An acceleration, in mainstream science terms, indicates a “force” or “torque”. Is this self-created “force” the reason behind why it is rising? Well if you stay tuned for my later experiments, especially my #AntiGravity Part 6 video, it is almost certainly an intrinsic property of matter to INTERACT with gravity through rotational motion. #StayTuned Anyways, let me know what you think and stay tuned for my next experiment! View video notes on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-1-gyroscopes-precess-upwards-on-low-friction-and-rotating-surfaces Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps103 views 1 comment -
🔬#MESExperiments 2: Super Precision Gyroscope Precesses Upwards Even at Very Steep Angle
Math Easy SolutionsIn this experiment, I continue further with a Gyroscope’s amazing ability to precess upwards on rotating surfaces (or low friction surfaces) and this time show that it can rise upwards even at very steep angles. This time I am using a Super Precision Gyroscope (see link below) and starting at a super steep angle of about 60 degrees from the vertical. I had initially thought it was not possible for the gyroscope to rise fully upwards from such a steep angle, but the magical gyroscope continues to baffle everything I thought was possible! Starting from an initial angle from the vertical of about 60 degrees, the gyroscope precesses upwards in about 3 and half minutes to about 42 degrees, and ultimately perfectly vertical in 7 minutes. The gyroscope then maintains a stable vertical position for about a minute before it starts wobbling off course. Then in roughly a minute longer, the gyroscope precesses downwards until about 60 degrees from the vertical. A minute later the gyroscope eventually precesses at GREATER than 90 degrees from the vertical (or a negative angle below the horizontal) until it strikes one of the base supports thus falling over. Looks like I will have to perform a second test in which I raise the support higher to see just how long the gyroscope can precess below the horizontal angle. The gyroscope precesses for a total of about 10 minutes moving both upwards and then downwards; truly amazing stuff! Later in the video I place the gyroscope on its side on show how just lightly touching it causes it to behave in bizarre and truly remarkable ways! The Super Precision Gyroscope spun for a total of 17 and half minutes. Another BOMBSHELL discovery about gyroscopes, which I will demonstrate in future experiments, is that the gyroscope NEVER loses spin speed as a result of its precession, or even manually twisting it. In other words, the gyroscope’s ability to move, interact, and impart forces upon *some* changes to its orientation DOES NOT SLOW DOWN or use the “energy” of the spinning gyroscope. Now this brings into question, WHERE is this “energy” coming from?? If not from the gyroscope itself, then maybe Bruce DePalma, founder of the N-Machine #FreeEnergy Machine before his untimely almost certain assassination, is right in that the gyroscope is acting like an “antenna” to the energy field all around us…. #Aether MES Note: I say *some* changes to its orientation because, as will further be explained in detail, as the Earth Rotates the gravity field moves but the gyroscope or spinning tops in general aren’t affected by this change in the forces (in this case a moving gravity field) acting upon its orientation; i.e. #InceptionIsReal Anyways, let me know what you think is behind this amazing property of the gyroscope to magically rise as it precesses. I am of the view that rotation, or even all forms of motion itself, interacts with Gravity in a similar way that rotation of electric fields and magnetic fields interact with each other. This is some truly fascinating concepts to ponder! Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments Number 3! Super Precision Gyroscope: https://www.amazon.com/Gyroscope-com-Super-Precision-Gyroscope/dp/B00J3UTRZW View full experiment results on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-2-super-precision-gyroscope-precesses-upwards-even-at-super-steep-angle Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps181 views 1 comment -
🔬#MESExperiments 3: Gyroscopes Exert 'Inertial Forces' With Zero Loss of Spin Rate
Math Easy SolutionsIn this #MESExperiments Number 3, I continue further into the wonderful world of Gyroscopes, and this time go over another near-universally overlooked property of gyroscopes: they exert external forces during *some* changes in orientation but with ZERO loss in spin rate! This is some truly mind-boggling stuff! I demonstrate this by comparing three different tests with the same super precision gyroscope: 1) Manually Twisting the Gyroscope 2) Allowing the Gyroscope to magically precess UPWARDS! 3) Control Experiment: Simply Placing the Gyroscope on the countertop. The video shows that in ALL experiments, the gyroscope spins for a total duration of roughly 17.5 minutes! I have performed these experiments dozens of times and with several different types of gyroscopes and the results are the same. Now the question remains: If the Spin Rate is not dropping, then where is this mysterious force coming from?? Is it “Angular Momentum”? If so how is this magical “angular momentum” being obtained but with no loss of spin energy?? And what is EXACTLY is "angular momentum", besides the mainstream "explanation" as a "tendency to maintain rotation"... Also, manually twisting the gyroscope shows that it can exert a considerable amount of force, ANY number of times, and at as fast of a pace that I choose, which simply gets “more force” out the gyroscope but again at no spin energy loss. After pondering this for many months, I can’t fathom any other explanation but that the gyroscope is not actually exerting the force… but rather acting as an “antenna” for a *surrounding* energy source or field… or “ether”… This is analogous to increasing the mass of an object which thus becomes harder to move around because of the added weight. And since the gyroscope weight doesn’t increase or decrease when placed on a weigh scale, it appears that the “weight” increases AROUND the gyroscope in a seemingly force or vortex field while it is spinning. Now this is a brain teaser of epic proportions and consequences! Let me know where and how you think the gyroscope is obtaining this “inertial force” from by commenting below! Note that I state “some” changes in in orientation because as will be demonstrated in later experiments, a spinning top or a gyroscope precessing like a spinning top always keep upright as the Earth rotates. In other words, they behave as if they have no “angular momentum” and instead always *magically* align in opposition to the direction of gravity. It seems that a “simple” spinning top or gyroscope is the missing link between not just gravity and electromagnetism, but even the missing link between the physical reality and the spiritual or psychological… Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments Number 4! View full experiment results on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-3-gyroscopes-exert-inertial-forces-with-zero-loss-of-spin-rate-freeenergy Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps172 views 1 comment -
🔬#MESExperiments 4: Gyroscopes Precess with Zero ‘Angular Momentum’
Math Easy SolutionsIn #MESExperiments number 4, I have uploaded THE Eric Laithwaite’s mind-boggling demonstration showing that an 8-pound gyro wheel precesses with no “angular momentum” or “inertia”; i.e. behaving like it has ZERO mass! I had covered this particular experiment in my earlier #AntiGravity Part 1 video (https://mes.fm/antigravity-playlist), so make sure to watch that video to get caught up on how and why I am now starting off with Laithwaite finished off. Eric Laithwaite, during his famous 4th and 5th Christmas Institution in 1974 on gyroscopes (to which his name and brilliant work has been covered up and slandered by the “Royal (real science coverup) Society”), compared the impact a gyro wheel would have upon a wooden stick while it was spinning vs. not-spinning. When the gyroscope is spun up, using compressed air in this particular case, the gyroscope “precesses” around towards the stick but then just bounces off and starts moving downwards and in the opposite direction. Keep in mind that this is an 8-POUND gyro wheel! Now when the wheel is not spun but instead lifted to a height that would move at roughly the same speed during precession but when dropped due to gravity, the wheel obliterates that wooden stick! Imagine scaling this experiment up by a few ton and showing that a car-sized gyro wheel can hit a normal standing human… and bounce off as if he was Superman… #TimeToBuildAGiantGyroWheel This is one of the most astonishing, yet very simple to perform, demonstrations I have ever seen! The *established* concept that “inertia” or “momentum” or “angular momentum” depend soley on mass and velocity gets thrown on their head. But even more troubling is pondering just exactly how long this *basic* fact of gyroscopes has been covered up…. And as I have demonstrated in my earlier experiments of gyroscopes rising against gravity and exerting forces with ZERO loss of spin rate, it appears that gyroscopes hold a key to unlocking the very *substance* of our perceived universe… #TheEtherExists… Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments Number 5! View full experiment results on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-4-gyroscopes-precess-with-zero-angular-momentum-theetherexists Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps180 views 1 comment -
🔬#MESExperiments 5: Gyroscopes Precess Upwards on Ice with Zero Centripetal Force
Math Easy SolutionsIn #MESExperiments Part 5, I demonstrate one of the most little known properties of gyroscopes: they can precess with zero “centripetal force”. I demonstrate this by placing a super precision gyroscope on ice to limit any “friction” and just watch the gyroscope rise upwards while the ice cube hardly moves horizontally. In contrast, the “centripetal force” is evident in the case of an Olympic Hammer Throw in which the heavy ball on a chain requires great strength to “pull” the ball inwards as it is spun in a circle. In my experiment, I placed the gyroscope on a plastic “shirt button” which was itself placed on a metal disc placed on the ice cube. I used this particular set up to provide a more stable base for the plastic button, while at the same time not restrict the rotational movement of the outer gyroscope casing and stem; this is done to allow the gyroscope to rise upwards. I will explain in detail in later videos, but it appears that the gyroscope’s ability to rise upwards requires that extremely low “rotational friction” is present at the point where the stem of the gyro contacts the base. I initially place the gyroscope at approximately 40 degrees from the vertical and watch as it precesses gradually upwards, and with almost zero horizontal movement; i.e. zero “centripetal force”! What’s also interesting is the noise that the gyroscope makes as it precesses, which once fully risen almost fully and eerily disappears. Another fascinating observation is that the base, the ice cube, and the outer casing of the gyroscope and stem behave as a single unit and turn in unison. This “unison rotation” is at its peak rate when the gyroscope is perfectly vertical and rotates this way for a full 2 minutes with very little wobble! As the gyroscope loses spin speed, the gyroscope begins to precess again but this time the ice cube gradually moves horizontally in a circular fashion that spirals outwards as the gyroscope precession angle drops and the spin rate lowers. In other words, the “centripetal force” *could* be said to magically appear. Where was it in the first place??! At even lower spin speeds and very steep angles, the gyroscope precesses in a large circle but still in amazing gyro-typical control! But even then, how can the “Centripetal Force” manage to move the ice cube in large circles, yet not even knock off the gyroscope completely off the base? I am of the view that to adequately answer this we need to completely re-examine the very notion of “centripetal force”, because in my view the current mainstream understanding is fundamentally incomplete. Now what to make of these findings? I have spent the great deal of time going over experiment after experiment to get the perfect video to fully demonstrate these little known properties of gyroscopes. But this was mainly to remove all doubt as to what our eyes have been telling us all along when simply balancing a precessing gyroscope on our fingertip, but if only we had the mind to comprehend… Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments Number 6... View full experiment results on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-5-gyroscopes-precess-upwards-on-ice-with-zero-centripetal-force-realphysics Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps108 views 1 comment -
🔬#MESExperiments 6: Gyroscopes Precess with Zero Centripetal Force on Ice Even at Horizontal Angle
Math Easy SolutionsIn #MESExperiments number 6, I repeat my 5th experiment of a precessing gyroscope on ice but this time set the gyroscope at a near horizontal angle. And yet again the gyroscope demonstrates the (mainstream) physics-defying ability to magically precess with ZERO centripetal force, at sufficient gyro spin rate. In other words, the gyroscope precess as if it magically lost all its “mass” and thus generating ZERO “horizontal force” at the stem; and as explained in Experiment number 4, the gyroscope literally precesses without “angular momentum”. This is some truly mind-boggling properties of gyroscopes which, if viewed with the critical eye, requires a re-writing of centuries old (mainstream) physics textbooks and even science in general. Once the gyroscope loses spin speed, the “centripetal force” gradually increases which can be seen by the stem of the gyroscope moving in a circular direction on the near frictionless ice surface. But even at these slower spin speeds, the amount of “centripetal force” is almost negligible. This is because, as shown in my earlier experiments, it just takes an incredibly small amount of “friction” to hold the gyroscope in place. And in fact it is this gyroscope’s magical property of seemingly behave “massless” that allows it to precess perfectly balanced even on the tip of your finger. I can’t stress how monumental and game-changing these HIDDEN-IN-PLAIN-SITE properties of gyroscopes, because after all a gyroscope is essentially a constrained spinning top, and which a spinning top itself is just matter in rotation… Which begs the questions what is “matter” and why does rotation magically change its properties? Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments Number 7! View full experiment results on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-6-gyroscopes-precess-with-zero-centripetal-force-on-ice-even-at-horizontal-angle Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps159 views 1 comment -
🔬#MESExperiments 7: Gyroscopes Precess Upwards on Ice Even While Outer Casing Spins
Math Easy SolutionsIn #MESExperiments number 7, I have repeated the same experiment as in the 5th experiment but this time removed the plastic and metal bases so that the gyroscope is directly in contact with the ice block. This means that the contact surface between the ice and the stem of the gyroscope has very little rotational friction and which can be see by the gyroscope outer casing spinning very rapidly; even though the gyroscope’s center disk is the only thing initially spun. I positioned the gyroscope at about 35 degrees from the vertical and yet again the gyroscope magically rises upwards and with ZERO “centripetal force” as can be seen by the lack of horizontal movement as the gyroscope rises upwards. This experiment demonstrates that even if the gyroscope’s outer casing is free to rotate, the gyroscope still rises upwards. Thus the ability of the gyroscope to rise upwards is not due to horizontal friction (no centripetal force) and not due to rotational friction either. Then the question arises: how is the gyroscope precessing upwards? Stay tuned for my later experiments and my epic #AntiGravity Part 6 video which shows that “gravity” itself is being interacted with through the simple rotation of matter… #StayTuned The gyroscope takes about 3.5 minutes to fully rise upwards and after which maintains its vertical position for about 1 minute. Then, as also shown in experiment number 5, the gyroscope magically “regains” its “centripetal force” as it precesses downwards and with the ice block moving in large horizontal circular movements. This upwards rising is even more impressive given the fact that the gyroscope stem has literally dug directly into the ice block. Thus the gyroscope rises upwards not only against gravity but against the surrounding ice wall. #AbsolutelyFascinating Also, later in the video I show that as the gyroscope loses spin speed, it still has the ability to precess in a circular downwards spiral; albeit more chaotic as the spin speed lowers. But even at extremely low spin speeds, the gyroscope still has the magical ability to avoid falling directly downwards but instead still spiral downwards which also “cushions” the fall of the gyro. #AmazingStuff Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments Number 8! View full experiment results on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-7-gyroscopes-precess-upwards-on-ice-even-while-outer-casing-spins-magic Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps150 views 1 comment -
🔬#MESExperiments 8: Large Gyro Wheel Precesses at 1000X Torque Over-Unity
Math Easy SolutionsIn #MESExperiments Part 8, I have uploaded the late Francis J. McCabe’s amazing Gyro Wheel Torque “Over-Unity” demonstration, which he had up on his YouTube Channel in June 27, 2012. Francis showed that a large 50 pound, 32 inch diameter gyro, precessing from about 25 inches from the pivot point, can still be “torqued-up” by a very small and visibly weak 6 volt battery with a “Torque Rating” of 2.5 inch-pounds at 12 volts. Crunching in the numbers, we get roughly: - Output Torque = 50 pounds * 25 inches = 50 * 25 = 1,250 inch-pounds - Input Torque = 2.5 inch-pounds * (6 volts input) / (12 volts rating) = 1.25 inch-pounds. - Output Torque / Input Torque = 1250/1.25 = 1000 TIMES OVER-UNITY! Recall that the mainstream definition of “Torque” is essentially force multiplied by the distance perpendicular from the fulcrum or point of rotation. For a fixed horizontal wheel, the torque would be the “Moment of Inertia” multiplied by the Acceleration. But while precessing, this torque is also equal to the weight multiplied by the distance to the pivot. More on this *mainstream* torque and precession can be found here: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/rotv2.html Essentially what this means is that although a very weak motor won’t be able to spin a fixed horizontal heavy wheel, but if spun initially through the vertical near zero torque position and then allowed to precess, the motor magically is able to increase spin speed and maintain precession! This is literally as if the very magical act of precession is causing the gyroscope to be “lifted” in a horizontal spiral plane. Later Francis turns off the power and the gyro-wheel begins precessing in a downwards spiral. This is an absolutely mind-boggling demonstration by Francis J. McCabe, and just adds to amazing properties of gyroscopes shown in my earlier experiments. To see the original video on Francis’ YouTube Channel, you can watch here: https://youtu.be/QmqIg00xSFo To learn more about Francis J. McCabe, such as his previous work for both NASA and Boeing as a Rocket Scientist before realizing that Gyro Science is where the real science is at, then make sure to read up his life on the following links: - https://web.archive.org/web/20190405163327/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_J._McCabe - https://www.chestnuthilllocal.com/2013/01/08/mt-airy-inventor-finds-new-uses-for-the-gyroscope/ - https://www.chestnuthilllocal.com/2014/03/26/francis-j-mccabe-inventor-business-owner/ - http://www.franmccabe.com/ - https://www.youtube.com/user/Mccabefj/videos Of note is that Francis viewed the Earth and in fact everything as a gyroscope; which I tend to agree with him on this! And it is no surprise that in his lecture, he mentioned he worked with THE Eric Laithwaite: https://youtu.be/TVoXdgkSOfY?t=54 The world is definitely a small place, and nothing smaller than the number of people awakened to the magical and game-changing secrets (in plain sight) of gyroscopes…. Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments Number 9! View full experiment results on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-8-large-gyro-wheel-precesses-at-1000x-torque-over-unity-freeenergy Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps225 views 1 comment -
🔬#MESExperiments 9: Gyroscope With Counterweight Hung on a String Rises 'DOWNWARDS'!
Math Easy SolutionsIn #MESExperiments 9, I demonstrate one of the most fascinating experiments ever performed. This experiment came a whole year after discovering that gyroscopes rise magically all on their own (See Experiments 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 at https://peakd.com/experiments/@mes/list). Those earlier experiments shows that gyros rise upwards when they should instead fall down; effectively behaving lighter. And in this experiment, the opposite happens. Adding a counterweight such that the gyroscope is balanced horizontally instead makes the gyroscope behave heavier and magically drop downwards and lift the counterweight in the process! This is one of the most mind-boggling experiments of all time! Note that from my epic #AntiGravity Part 6 video, https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series, the gyro spin and precession directions tend to always want to align even if it means behaving heavier or lighter, i.e. magic. Note again that this demonstration is only possible when there is very little rotational or precessional friction, hence why it drops when hung by a string but with the conventional gimbal setup it would not even precess. Also from Part 6, this low friction requirement alludes to "torque over-unity" in that the gyroscope amplifies forces or torques. As the gyro spin speed slows down the gyro is still upside down but now the precession spiral is larger, similar to Experiment 6 in which the centrifugal outwards precession "force" gets larger as the gyro slows down. Interestingly, at even slower gyro spin speeds the precession circle and precession speed gets smaller, again while the gyro is still upside down! After 7 minutes, the gyro starts to rise gradually upwards, but this is likely due to the string getting wound up and starts generating (over-unity) counter precessional force. Amazingly, just the mere unwinding of the string is enough to cause the gyro to precess in the reverse direction while this time rising upwards above the horizontal! And once again, as the gyro loses even more spin speed even in the now risen position the precession spiral/circle moves outwards further out. This time, the counterweight appears to be the new "center of mass". Fascinating stuff! View video notes on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/mesexperiments-9-gyroscope-with-counterweight-hung-on-a-string-rises-downwards-magicx1000 Related Videos: #MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list DRAFT #MESExperiments Video Series: https://mes.fm/experiments-draft #MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist #AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist . ------------------------------------------------------ SUBSCRIBE via EMAIL: https://mes.fm/subscribe DONATE! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ https://mes.fm/donate Like, Subscribe, Favorite, and Comment Below! Follow us on: MES Truth: https://mes.fm/truth Official Website: https://MES.fm Hive: https://peakd.com/@mes MORE Links: https://linktr.ee/matheasy Email me: contact@mes.fm Free Calculators: https://mes.fm/calculators BMI Calculator: https://bmicalculator.mes.fm Grade Calculator: https://gradecalculator.mes.fm Mortgage Calculator: https://mortgagecalculator.mes.fm Percentage Calculator: https://percentagecalculator.mes.fm Free Online Tools: https://mes.fm/tools iPhone and Android Apps: https://mes.fm/mobile-apps126 views 1 comment