Levin: Democrats Don't Like Practicing Democracy
Mark Levin ShowMark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin. "You know who likes the word "democracy" the most? Dictators, fascists, Marxists, autocrats, apparently, the Democrats who don't really like to practice democracy."22.7K views 43 comments -
Levin: Kamala Harris' Character Ought To Be Front And Center
Mark Levin ShowMark Levin on Life Liberty and Levin. “You know Kamala Harris' character is never discussed, it ought to be front and center. Fact of the matter is, she lied to us for years and years about Joe Biden's mental abilities. She lied to us right up to after the debate. She's lied to us about numerous positions. She's now taking the opposite of the position she held before. That's not flip-flopping, that is a serial liar. Kamala Harris is a serial liar. She's a hardcore radical. She's now trying to conceal her record as the media were trying to conceal Biden's dementia for all these years. Her record is that of the most radical Marxist Islamist supporting candidate in American history. No wonder the Democrats don't want an open primary No wonder they don't want her challenged. No wonder she's hiding out as if she is actually copying Joe Biden.”14K views 12 comments -
Sen J.D. Vance: Biden Is A Complete Disaster
Mark Levin ShowSen J.D. Vance calls in and explains the big problem the Democrats have. He asks, if Biden’s not fit to run for President, how can he be fit to serve another four years? Trump is up for it, Biden is not. HandsOffMyRewards.com26.4K views 45 comments -
Eric Trump: Dems Are Trying To Slander My Father's Image With A Nonsense Case
Mark Levin ShowEric Trump on Life, Liberty and Levin. “Then I get to watch and sit right behind my father in the first pew as they try and slander him. They try and keep him off the campaign trail, they try and waste his time. They trying to destroy his reputation and his image with a nonsense case.”15.8K views 21 comments -
Rep Byron Donalds: Biden’s Doing Grave Damage To Office Of The Presidency
Mark Levin ShowRep Byron Donalds calls in to explain that Biden is making kneejerk decisions based on votes in Michigan. For political reasons Biden is withholding aid to Israel that Israel already paid for and that Congress approved. Biden is doing grave damage to the office of the presidency.17.1K views 37 comments -
Jim Trusty: Lawfare Puts An Incredible Amount Of Pressure On The Courts
Mark Levin ShowJim Trusty on Life, Liberty and Levin. "These are the wages of lawfare."21.5K views 19 comments -
Joe Biden Has Taken From the Country Every Step of the Way
Mark Levin ShowJoe Biden Has Taken From the Country Every Step of the Way17.9K views 20 comments -
Hillsdale President: I’m Horrified At These Protests On College Campuses
Mark Levin ShowLarry Arnn on Life, Liberty and Levin. “Well, I'm used to these fancy colleges being bad, but now they're worse and I'm sort of horrified by it, because their basic functioning has broken down. They run them the way they run them, and they have complete control of them and they have lost entire control of them.”12.4K views 39 comments