I am producing free or accessible high-standard educational content involving Computer Science, especially Theoretical Computer Science. In addition to this, I am creating entertainment, research, and computer games. Please check out my links, and support my work. It is through your support I can keep doing what I am doing here for everyone. My name is Daniel. You can call me just Dan or Daniel, or if you want to be more formal, Dr. Page. I am a former Computer Science professor, and have had the pleasure of working for many educational institutions, at many levels. I am a theoretical computer scientist by training, and received my PhD in Computer Science (Theory) from Western University in 2019. My research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Theoretical Computer Science, the Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, and Algorithms and have had the pleasure of reviewing for plenty of journals and top conferences.
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Joined Jun 6, 2021
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