Calling on today\'s champions of Privacy Protection & those seeking freedom from Censorship! \nHelp compete against the Big Tech monopolies! \nHelp build a New Independent media platform!\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nThe Future of Media has Arrived: Scentscape™ Bioaroma Media System Scentscape™ is a unique immersive media technology that creates multi-sensuous "Disneyland-level" home cinema experiences using a media-synchronized bio-aromatic airstream. Scentscape also creates its own kinds of media experiences such as remarkably lifelike Virtual Travel and Virtual Nature, and at its core, is a sophisticated Home Wellness Technology that has been clinically verified to uplift mood and diminish stress. So it\\\'s not just all fun, but also sophisticated "digital neurolimbic aromatherapy" that works with your TV and all your devices - phone, laptop, pad, and VR headset.
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Joined Apr 18, 2021
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