Pray - Hope - Be good - And don\'t worry! St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina gave us these parameters in order to guide us toward heaven. They\'re easier said than done! Most of us have no clue how to pray, especially when it comes to studying the holy scriptures. As far as hope is concerned, the teachings of the church are often lost on us, buried under encyclicals with fancy Latin names that no one can read. Being good seems straightforward, but under the assault of the devil, no one can withstand temptation for long. Finally, it\'s hard not to worry about ending up in hell after a life of hard living and broken promises. We\'re all on the same boat, including me, which is why it\'s important to remember Mark 1:11 where God says to Jesus: You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Belovedson is my apostolate to help wayward Catholics and those wishing to get back into the loving arms of the church that Christ founded. Take the journey with me and let\'s make our Father proud!
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Joined Apr 2, 2021
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