"Full Stack" is an episodic web show dramedy on YouTube & Rumble written and produced by, Luxgenic. The story follows two young men- the British shut-in Oliver, and the African American delinquent Jakobi; living meandering, aimless lives, bivouacking in a dusty mobile home in the American southwest, motivate themselves towards a journey of self-actualization and a climb towards becoming an ideal man, the one percenter man socially described as "full stack". During their "ascension" of rising to the top of the social hierarchy, Oliver and Jakobi befriend unlikely partners and confidants, who all find themselves wrapped up against a variety of situations, conflicts, and "villains" who stand in their way, that escalate in scale and insanity the further they "climb" to the top of the social stack. Throughout their journey for financial freedom, Oliver and Jakobi discover the truth of their world, and what it really means to be "Full Stack".
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Joined Aug 27, 2024
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