Discover Stories that Change the World. Melanie Davis, founder of Triumph Press, interviews authors of important books that inspire, capture history, educate, promote causes, and change the world. Meet new authors, discover great books to add to your reading list, hear encouraging messages, and learn how to write and share your own valuable stories. After suffering the death of a baby to SIDS, Melanie developed a narrative therapy workbook, The Triumph Program, to assist others to Discover, Write and Share their Triumph Stories. It has been used in bereavement, with at-risk youth, and military veterans. Justice-involved editions of the program have received the 2019 Texas Governor's Award, a Congressional Commendation, and the 2020 Peacebuilders Award. Melanie is the founder of Triumph Press established in 2009. It is an indie publisher for inspiring books from authors who have overcome adversity and are making a real difference in the world by sharing their valuable wisdom.
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Joined Aug 21, 2024
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