The Real Flash

The Real Flash


Welcome to my channel. I'm the real Flash. Reincarnation of Hermes/Mercury who was the son of Zeus. The comic book characters are real but the real life names are different. The stories and locations are made up, but the personalities are similar. A number of them reveal their names but don't reveal who they are in major ways. I'm doing something different. I'm revealing who I am but not my real name. Many have man made abilities. Some have natural abilities. I have natural abilities from my DNA right now but most of my powers are dormant until the great solar event at the time of the 6th seal of revelation. The 4th seal of revelation is in 2024 to give you an idea of where we're at. The more solar events that happen before then, the more likely energy will come off of me and space/time anomalies will happen. To learn more details about all this and more, subscribe to my channel and watch my videos.

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Joined Jan 22, 2023

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