Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha is the largest gaurakshashala in the state of Uttarakhand. We are present in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. We are presently sheltering and serving more than 21000 destitute cows. The Indian cow has a pivotal place in the social, economical, political, and spiritual spheres of Indian civilization. It is playing a key role in the economic development in India since ancient time. Vedic Literature says ‘Gou Sarve Sukhprada’ which implies cow gives all pleasure to human beings-wealth as well as health. Indian agriculture, health, hygiene, and the environment have been largely dependent on cows for thousands of years. Fresh cow dung kills bacteria that cause malaria and TB. Cow dung is used for protection from atomic emission. Cow urine contains copper which transfers into gold in the human body. Gold has the power to destroy all pathogens. Cow urine also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, carbonic acid, potash, and lactase.
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Joined Mar 27, 2024
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