The Rain - Official Music Channel

The Rain - Official Music Channel

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This world is a dry and weary land. Like the prodigal son and the lost sheep, we have all chosen to leave the safety and security of God's love and favor, enticed by our own lusts and the alluring but empty and deadly deceptions of the enemy of our souls. We find ourselves lost, alone, broken, hungry, thirsty and on the brink of death. But none have strayed so far that they cannot return. Jesus actively seeks and works to rescue every last one of His precious souls redeemed from destruction by the very high price of His spotless life and terrible death on their behalf. If you find yourself in a dark, lonely desert place longing for hope, faith, love and a future, remember that Jesus loves you. Cry out to Him for help and surrender your life back to Him. He promised He would take you back, always. And if you want to use any of the instrumental tracks to sing to at your church or other live function, please feel free! We would love that. Love, Nick and Lauren. ps. for the most current videos visit us on youtube page or odysee

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Joined Feb 12, 2024

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