The Bear's View

The Bear's View



While I was running, a strong feeling came over me to proclaim my true faith in our living, loving God. At around 6:00 am each day, I will profess to the world my faith in God & Jesus , share a funny anecdote (or 2, or 3) about my life and my dog, and say the Lords Prayer.

We will see where this goes.

I really have a passion for helping the Homeless. See...The Bear (that is me) was "unhomed" in 2019. That is when I thought of starting Humans4HelpingHumans. My dream is: To go to just one city (big or small), and make sure everyone eats for just one day. Then figure out how I can repeat that the next day. Baby steps. Actually, I have a bunch of great ideas. There is no reason that anyone should be without food.

So that is it in a nutshell.

God loves you unconditionally (and so does your dog, which is God backwards - coincidence? - Hmmm)

Have a blessed day!

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Joined Dec 10, 2020

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27 videos