Kairos Prophetic Media

Kairos Prophetic Media

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Kairos Prophetic Media was created to help navigate through the precious gift of prophecy while providing trustworthy biblical teaching to help preach, warn, prepare, encourage, and restore the church for the sake of the gospel. [Colossians 1:28, Hebrew 12:23]

The gift of prophecy is much needed; especially during this day and age when there is so much noise on social media. It’s not only a place to hear prophetic words, but also help train people in the word to give safe biblical guard rails. This gift that Jesus died and paid for us to operate in is essential and precious and it is meant to be walked out responsibly.

According Ephesians 2:19-22, the Apostle Paul says that Christ believers are a household that is built upon the foundation of Apostles and Prophets. If you believe in Jesus you are part of that household. This makes you part of a holy priesthood [1 Peter 2:9]. It doesn’t matter what denomination or church, we are all part of a corporate body. It doesn’t matter if you are called “to the church” or in the marketplace, you are a part of that household; An essential stone in the house of God with a specific role and function that you (and only you) are meant to walk in [Ephesians 4:11-12].

The gift prophecy is much needed; especially during this day and age when there is so much noise on social media. It’s not only a place to hear prophetic words, but also help train people in the word to give safe biblical guard rails. This gift that Jesus died and paid for us to operate in is essential and precious and it is meant to be walked out responsibly.

According Ephesians 2:19-22, the Apostle Paul says that Christ believers are a household that is built upon the foundation of Apostles and Prophets. If you believe in Jesus you are part of that household. This makes you part of a holy priesthood [1 Peter 2:9]. It doesn’t matter what denomination or church, we are all part of a corporate body. It doesn’t matter if you are called “to the church” or in the marketplace, you are a part of that household; An essential stone in the house of God with a specific role and function that you (and only you) are meant to walk in [Ephesians 4:11-12].

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Joined Oct 16, 2023

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