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Phil Brey always had a knack for dreaming up witty lyrics and setting them to his own catchy melodies. Over his lifetime, he assembled an impressive catalog of well-crafted works covering an array of topics. These range from such standard fare as soured romances, homesickness, and the lure of the open road to other topics including prairie windmills, backpacking, and steam locomotives, to name just a few.
However, his songs, although holding great potential, languished in obscure desk drawers on yellowed notebooks, never to see the light of a modern recording studio console. His songs seemed destined to exist solely as forgotten notes on timeworn paper, ultimately disappearing into the past.
Fortunately, aware of this rich motherlode of original compositions, Phil and his son Mark resolved to preserve his songs for family and friends and to make them more widely available to others who had not yet been privileged to hear them.
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Joined Feb 10, 2021
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