Belief is false. To know is fact! Not everything is as it is portrayed and it is up to YOU to find the links to the truth. These videos are not meant to sway you one way or the other. They are to show you that there is more out there than what MSM, Social Media, and textbooks have given us. Discernment is key! Never believe everything 100% until you have done your due diligence. These videos give grains of salt in hopes of getting you out of your mindset, to show you there is MORE to life than insanity, which is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. We can change the world for the better if we all KNOW we can. I hope you enjoy the videos and I hope that even one sparks you to begin doing your own research and finding the truth. It is out there, it just takes some work!
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Joined Jun 18, 2023
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