Edify by the Word

Edify by the Word



History, Politics, Economy, Education, & Theology as discerned by Holy Scripture

False teachers and usurious salesmen, inspired by the doctrines of devils, have deceived our places of learning - home, church, and work. A repentant soul, having accepted the forgiveness of the Lord God, studies with discernment according to His holy Scripture (Bible). The disciple of the resurrected Jesus Christ (Logos/Alpha & Omega), Son of God and perfect sacrifice for mankind's sin, prayerfully presses on in the Way, Truth, and Life under the comfort and guidance of His Holy Spirit. In obedience to the Creator, the adopted child of the Lord God matures in our corrupted world amid those still dead in sin, while combating the wiles of the Devil - father of deception, witchcraft, and conspiracy. Forever will the unrepentant reside in the damnation of hell.The Lord's faithful receive abundant, eternal life made perfect in heaven. Jesus Christ will forever reign over a new heaven and earth.


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Joined Oct 27, 2021

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