This Channel Exposes the active and dangerous frame job attempts by senior members of the Dunwoody Georgia Police Department, targeting Ronen Newmark. Through a series of complex staged events that senior Dunwoody Georgia Police officers plotted, engineered and artificially synthesized themselves, a vicious series of falsified investigations have been targeting Ronen, where the underlying motive was to protect Chief Billy Grogan from a multi-million dollar lawsuit, losing his job, as well as multiple corrupt Dunwoody Police officers possibly being charged with Federal crimes. Disdain towards Ronen Newmark by select Senior Dunwoody officers began in 2016, when Ronen Newmark was targeted by gang-cyberstalkers from a chat-app called "Zello." Ronen's mother's home in Dunwoody became repeatedly targeted for complex cyberstalking and hate crimes, as Dunwoody Police repeatedly blocked, botched, and manipulated the course of investigations, Ronen complained, and was met with revenge efforts.
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Joined Feb 22, 2023
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