<p>Welcome to the Kinsmen Die podcast, home of fantasy fiction based on Norse mythology that’s written and read by me, Matt Bishop.</p> <p>I’ve written two novels – Kinsmen Die and Dark Grows the Sun. They are the first two books in my series called And the Heavens Burn. In this podcast I read my first book, Kinsmen Die, chapter by chapter. Every five chapters I recap the key plot points and deep dive on which myths I've referenced and/or incorporated and why I made the choices I did – without spoilers! </p> <p>I believe I’ve done something unique when it comes to the retelling those old stories. The point of view characters in my books are the characters from the myths themselves: Odin and Frigg. Vidar. Hodr. Loki. And, because the dude is awesome and has a really tough name to pronounce: Vafthrudnir. </p> <p>Everything you’ll hear is based on my interpretation of the source materials – the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, along with a stack of books that discuss the myths … and another stack of academic articles that do the same. </p> <p>Kinsmen Die has 92 chapters. Dark Grows the Sun is about half that. So, this is gonna take a while. I truly hope you enjoy the journey.</p>
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Joined Oct 17, 2022
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