Do you love food? Do you like cooking? Do you love to travel? Every moment that passed by is a life experience of once life. So I want to record it down. Sharing or recording what I have experienced along the way, not just with food & traveling; but the journey of life itself. How will things turn out at the end of the story? We will just have to move along and find out. Come along with me if you want to find find out about it. ę„ę¬čŖć§ć大äø夫ć§ććć¼ćä»ćÆę„ę¬äŗŗćØććć£ćć«ćč¦ććØćÆććć¾ććć§ććććä»ćÆč±čŖć§ä½æććØęćć¾ćć ä½åŗ¦ććććććé”ććć¾ććć
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Joined May 1, 2022
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