Author Patrick D. Kaiser

Author Patrick D. Kaiser



Author & Autism Advocate


Available Now: #TheCrimsonMindsTrilogy & #TheDeathBringerChronicles

WIP: #TheEmeraldHoodTrilogy

Having Asperger's Syndrome as well as Tourettes doesn't slow Patrick down in the slightest. His work ethic and positive attitude are infectious according to those in his life. His positivity can especially be seen in his writing; despite using heavier subjects in his books, he addresses them with a light that's rarely found in fiction these days, resulting in a profound balance of entertaining and thought provoking content that tugs at the heart strings. His various books are written in a curious, yet engaging style that is difficult to put down. Patrick's vision is to turn the idea of the traditional verse novel on it's head & to break new ground, creating something uniquely delicious, all it's own.

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Joined Jul 23, 2021

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