Much Grace

Much Grace



Social media is overrun with people who have called themselves to speak without having the authority to do it. Only those called by God are authorized to speak for Him and have the anointing to prove they are called. We are all commanded as believers to place ourselves under the 5 fold ministry authority.

You cannot fake the anointing, it is either present or not. Most preaching is soulical not spiritual. It appeals to the mind will and emotions but it does not feed your spirit. People miss the supernatural because they look for the spectacular. Most of what the Holy Spirit does is subtle, not flashy.

The whole time you were here you were supposed to be growing up in Christ by crucifying your flesh so you could obey the Word. You are still here because you did not do that. You must hear the anointed Word every day from people anointed to preach it, so your spirit grows strong enough to obey.

Your obedience to the Word is proof of your salvation. More obedience, greater strength.

Brother Greg

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Joined Aug 12, 2021

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