Topic Covered:
1) Alternative Research:
-Exploring Alternative Research: Discovering Overlooked Truths
-Faith and Understanding: Insights from Alternative Perspectives
2) Cultural Trends and Eschatology:
-Signs of the Times: Biblical Insights on Cultural Trends and Eschatology
-The End is Near: Understanding Apocalyptic Perspectives through Scripture
3) Religions and Doctrines:
-Faith and Doctrine: A Humble Exploration of Beliefs in Light of Scripture
-Understanding Beliefs: Examining Religions and Doctrines through a Biblical Lens
4) Eschatology and Geopolitics:
-Prophetic Insights: The Role of Eschatology in God's Plan for Humanity
-The Final Countdown: Biblical Reflections on Geopolitical Implications of End-Time Beliefs
5) General Bible Study:
-Exploring the Scriptures: Discovering Biblical Truths for Today
-The Bible Uncovered: Key Themes and Teachings for Faithful Living.
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Joined Jul 16, 2022
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