Censorship IS Mind Control

Censorship IS Mind Control



Curating censored, suppressed, and need to know information, from where ever i find it, on any and all topics i find it on.

HELP ME SPREAD THE TRUTH. Please watch my ENTIRE back catalogue I only {98%} post the MOST important urgent vids people need to see, and they ALL are heavily censored, and hard to find. sometimes i post multiple times a week, sometime nothing, it depends om what i come across.

i spent 16+ hrs a day for 18 month to wake up, after a personal tragedy left me searching for answers-sadly nothing else would have woken me up.

That was in 2015. Day by day our situation deteriorates, and will until the masses awaken.

THIS CHANNEL IS MY ATTEMPT AT THAT, and i do it with love, and in the hope all people can live in peace, freedom, and happiness. None of which is possible unless you understand whats going on.

So please help me shhare this info to Create a better world FOR ALL OF HUMANITY, without the UN, WEF, Gates, Schwab, Thw US gov, and simular groups. We dont need them, they goal isnt to help us anyway.

stop falling for the divide and conquer agendas, sure there are assholes out there, there always will be, but black, brown, white, yellow, green, gay, straight, or whatever, 99% have the same goals, to live in peace, the be left alone, and to own your future. Thats why they prefer we fight,

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Joined Feb 9, 2023

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