Blindspot #33.1 - World @ Economic War p1, US$ reserve currency no more!

2 years ago

This is Blindspot #033.1 - as promised

Hot on the heels of Blindspot #033, this one follows the story of a truncated rendition of the history, and ultimate death, of globalisation, between the years 1990 and 2022.

Larry Fink, President of Blackrock, announced to Blackrock investors that the Ukraine war marks the end of globalisation, as the world has known it, since roughly 1990.

Subsequently the Russian Federation 'hooked' the Ruble back up to a 'gold standard' value, and China is dabbling in a Petro Yuan trade with Saudi Arabia... meaning, the days of the USD as global trading currency may be numbered.

ja Nee fokkit, dit lyk my 'n snor is Meer nodig as 'n tjor in Praetoria... om Bernoldus Niemand nou lelik te prafraseer...

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