Industrial hygienist testifies why face masks provide NO protection against respiratory infections

2 years ago

Certified Industrial Hygienist, certified safety professional, and certified engineer Stephen Petty ― i.e. a real expert, not a mere doctor ― testifies to Senate Health and Human Services hearing of March 30th, 2022 that all respiratory infections are transmitted through micro droplets called aerosols, not big droplets.

Aerosols can remain in the air for up to 50 days during which time they can travel large distances. Big droplets fall to the ground very quickly and within about 6 feet (except when sneezing).

Dominant airborne transmission of respiratory infections is no new insight at all. It was already known and published by observant people centuries ago. Researcher Wells and others have done excellent work on respiratory infection transmission for 25 years since the 1930's. Respiratory infection is very similarly to secondary cigarette smoke inhalation.

On the topic of respiratory infections we've gone backwards: we knew the earth was spherical, but decided it was flat after all. Then we kept insisting it was flat contrary to all evidence.

Face masks protect neither the wearer (self-protection) nor others (source control), because their pores are way too large to inhibit aerosols. It's like trying to stop a mosquito with a tennis net. Also, masks leak, which further significantly reduces their already negligible protection.

Lastly, any droplets that are stopped by the mask initially will evaporate within a short period of time, because masks have no reservoir. It's like putting an almost flat saucer under a leaking faucet. The saucer may stop water droplets initially, but will overflow very quickly.

Touching your face mask with dirty hands multiple times per minute to readjust it, laying it on dirty surfaces, and storing it in hot humid areas, definitely does not benefit your health.

Since face masks don't work, using them anyway is called hygiene theater: it's medically completely useless, but LOOKS effective (just like disinfecting objects). They only provide an ILLUSION of control.

Face masks don't work, but they have many negative side-effects. Therefore, they should not be used and certainly not mandated. (Anybody who prefers to breathe in their own exhaust fumes without any medical benefit should of course be free to do so.)

What should be used? Engineering controls like adequate ventilation, filtration with high quality filters and/or disinfection with for instance UV-light or plasma. Any real expert knows this: the solution to pollution is dilution.

Another highly effective and harmless measure is keeping the relative humidity of the air in the optimal range (40%-60%). This prevents big droplets from evaporating into micro droplets and also keeps our mucosa, which are an essential part of our immune system, moist. This way, infected mucus can be cleared to the stomach (where strong acid kills pathogens) or outward (e.g. by blowing your nose).

Asbestos particles are significantly larger than aerosols, but are known to require significantly more protection than medical face masks. This shows how useless face masks really are against both asbestos and (infected) aerosols.

One of the many observed negative side-effects mask wearing is slower learning of young children (who are in the no-risk group for COVID and play no significant role in transmission to adults). Instead of acknowledging the slowed learning, the government just moved the goal posts to make it seem like there were no negative side-effects: standards that would normally have been achieved by 24 months of age now had to be achieved by 30 months.

If you want to know more about the junk science of face masks, I highly recommend the following video by another real expert industrial hygienist. After viewing that, you'll have lost all trust in 'health authorities', if you hadn't already done so.

Just Wear a Mask or You'll Kill Grandma v2



Stephen Petty testified before the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services in defense of NH HB1131, which would “prohibit school boards and accredited nonpublic schools from adopting, enforcing, or implementing a policy that requires students or members of the public to wear a facial covering.”

Mr. Petty is a Certified Industrial Hygienist, certified safety professional, and certified engineer, and it’s a great testimony and not just because he talks about a lot of things we’ve covered over the past years about masks and masking. He actually states for the record that his presentation would refute everything some doctor testifying before him had said.

I didn’t see that, but that had to leave a mark.

And he was clear about why. Medical doctors are what they are, but they are not certified industrial hygienists. They are not experts in the field of workplace or public safety when it comes to real threats and solutions. They are not even experts in these fields regarding a hospital or clinical settings.

And we’ve seen that play out in real-time. Public health officials have repeatedly given or mandated lousy advice on nearly every aspect of COVID policy to ignore actual accumulating evidence in favor of the approved CDC or state public health narratives.

In all instances, public health was not served by any of this, and in the case of masks, which is the focus of the hearing. The only thing that has any hope of reducing exposure to a virus is an actual respirator, and even that is the last thing you should try if the goal is mitigation to exposure if that is even necessary.


Find Stephen Petty's Rumble channel here:


Senate Health and Human Services hearing of March 30th, 2022

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