Linda Szynkowicz’s citizen-based “Silent Army” battles for Clean Voter Rolls….everywhere!

2 years ago

Linda Szynkowicz of Middletown, Connecticut noticed something strange when she first ran for state representative in 2014. Campaign flyers mailed to “newly registered” voters were returned to her by the post office as “undeliverable”. Over several years, Linda tried to address this problem with the voter rolls in her county, trying to get local and state officials to pay attention and take action, but her concerns fell on deaf and indifferent ears.

In 2020, Linda created the non-profit Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., and created a process and methodology to address individually-based irregularities in the voter rolls: voters who have moved, “live” at nonexistent addresses, or are deceased. Linda’s “Obit Squad” research team sampled death records of 2800 dead voters and found 500 of them voted in 2020 after they died - including one dead person who voted in person.

Cleta and Linda discuss many of Fight Voter Fraud’s important — and often startling — findings, including the voting history of fifty voters from Connecticut’s Whiting Forensic Hospital – who are confined there because they have been deemed criminally insane and are, therefore, legally incompetent to vote. Yet they voted. How? What can be done about situations like that?

Learn about Fight Voter Fraud’s expansion into other states, and its unique App designed for citizens to report potential incidents of voter fraud through text, photos and video. Meet Linda Szynkowicz, an engaged citizen who is working hard to clean America’s voter rolls…and how YOU can help.

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