22 healthy habits for 2022 to be "that girl" | how to glow up mentally and physically for 2022

2 years ago

22 healthy lifestyle habits for 2022 to become “that girl”. i tried to think of unique habits instead of repeating, so i hope you guys were able to hear new ones! i really think integrating these habits into your lives will turn you into “that girl” and help you glow up mentally and physically in 2022. if you liked this video give it a thumbs up! i love you, thanks for watching xoxo

where to find me:
insta: @laurinhwang or https://instagram.com/laurinhwang
tiktok: @laurinhwang or https://www.tiktok.com/@laurinhwang
snap: @laurin_hwang

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depop: @laurinhwang https://depop.com/laurinhwang
curtsy: laurin hwang or https://heycurtsy.com/usUVLAM0F1
poshmark: @laurin_hwang or https://posh.mk/XSLn7wgwh6


sub count: 21.8k

tags (ignore): emma chamberlain,hannah meloche,tik tok,instagram,nicole laeno,caroline manning,that girl,healthy habits,healthy lifestyle tips,healthy tips,glow up,glow up tips,how to glow up,how to be that girl,that girl tiktok,how to be that girl in 2022,how to be that girl tiktok,how to glow up for 2022,healthy habits for 2022,glow up challenge,how to glow up mentally and physically for 2022,how to glow up mentally and physically,glow up transformation,healthy

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