Want to Start Trading Options? Here’s Step 1

2 years ago

Ready to Learn More About Options? Here is a FREE Class: https://claytrader.com/videos/the-big-basics-of-day-trading-options-online-guide/

So you are brand new to options trading, but want to start trading options? Perfect! This video is for you! Let me be very clear, if you think Step 1 to trading options is picking out an online broker or phone app, you would be severely mistaken! Yes, those tools are needed to be able to buy and sell options online; however, they are not even close to being Step 1 in the process of trading options. Before anything else, you first need to understand the absolute bare bone basics of what an option is. There is an important relationship that options have within the context of the overall stock market, and in order for options trading to make any sense at all, you’ll need to have a full awareness and understanding of this relationship. The good news is, there is nothing complicated here and you’ll probably leave the video saying, “that’s it?”. I hope you take comfort in this though as it’ll prove that options trading is not nearly as complicated as you may believe. When I was a beginner and just getting started, I avoided options trading for the longest time because of a false idea that they were too advanced and complicated. I don’t want you to suffer from the same mental hurdle that I did! I want to prove to you upfront that the foundation from which all options trading is built upon is a very simple idea. Sure, the term used to describe them is a bit intimidating, but when you look at the term in the right way, you’ll see it is nothing to be intimated about! Let’s get to it and start your options trading journey with Step 1!

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