E66 - Scalar Light: Quantum Remote Healing with Tom Paladino

2 years ago

On today's episode of American gypC Podcast we're discussing Scalar Light and Quantum Remote Healing with Tom Paladino. Tom is a Scalar Energy Researcher with over 25 years of experience developing healing techniques designed to help people all over the world to recover from pathogenic infection and experience true health and wellness.

The story begins back in Tom’s undergraduate days when he became inspired by his research into the work of various scientists. Exploring the discoveries and theories of Hieronymus, Moray, Priore, and Nikola Tesla, he was intrigued by the existence of an energy that is not part the electromagnetic spectrum. Taking this as his inspiration, he dedicated himself to a course of independent study in order to better understand the possibilities of this unique energy with the ultimate aim of successfully harnessing it. Tom realized that the scalar energy he was studying has been known to many cultures throughout the ages; it may be referred to as prana, chi, radiant energy, zero-point energy, qi, orgone or eloptic energy. Encouraged by the timeless, all- pervading nature of this fundamental energy source, and after years of experimentation and modification, Tom Paladino developed a unique healing technique using scalar energy called Scalar Light that appears to have the ability to transmute pathogens quickly and painlessly.

Tom is passionate about helping people achieve their health and wellness goals and is an enthusiastic guest with a plethora of wisdom that is sure to captivate your listeners.

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