💥WINTER SOLSTICE - PARTY - GIVEAWAY💥 see description for winners' names

3 years ago

1 set of Crystals - Troublesome93
60 min Reading - Astarte Astaroth
Card Deck - Ballietbrand
Tumbler - David Castle
Book - Dough Stack
Necklace - Shannonwiseaprilfool
T-Shirt - Farzana Parveen
Necklace - Carlton Powell
Card deck - Stephanie Hanecow
2nd set of Crystals - Chloe
T-shirt - Andrew Phillips

Join us for this addition of SINDAY LIVE where I will be giving offerings to the Nordic God/Goddess on everyone who joins us behalf!! Enjoy each other's company, keep the Gods happy and WIN some cool prizes!! Karen aka Queen of Quartz, Theresa from Andromeda 7 and myself will be giving out tons of prizes!! FOR ADDITIONAL ENTY'S 🎁 Put a little PayPal in my Stocking 🎁 https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=VmT2hgrjy4jZJkVQ70e_HCrVbbSXFGO_1uDy0MVqzYjIoL6iA-ktZfF7GITl8PKHsChRxzmDAUeljyyw

Winner names will be written down in the comment of this video (NO entries will be taken on the day of the draw) MUST COMMENT ON THIS VIDEO before the 18th, in order to make it in time, if I 💜 your comment, you're in!
💥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovs4hdEJ27A 💥
And picked during live show, see comments later for winner's names. please pm us asap with your address or set up time for the 60 min reading if you are the winner

Check out the "Crystal Network" https://www.qofqcrystalnetwork.com/the-crystal-network-of-healers

ANDROMEDA7 CELESTIAL GATEWAY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXiqRfemiopxnnq6OVZQOxw

💥SIGN UP FOR THE NEWSLETTER 💥 👉 https://www.ninathemystic.net/ 👈
Buy 2 get 1 Free!! use Promo Code FREESTUFF at Checkout
This applies to Everything in my Shop!! Email Readings included!!
Happy Shopping, and feel free to msg me with any questions or concerns
(All prices include free shipping to US and Canada)

💥Check out my Tee-Spring Store 👉 https://nina-the-mystic.creator-

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