Feb 14 - International Book Giving Day | Love More Books #shorts

3 years ago

Feb 14 - International Book Giving Day | Love More Books #shorts

February 14th isn't just Valentine's Day. It's also International Book Giving Day. This is a volunteer initiative and its goal is to get books into the hands of as many children as possible.

So here are five reasons why you should consider gifting books to children and not video games or candy

Reason Number One: When you read books aloud to children, it creates an emotional bond with them.

Reason Number Two: When children read books, it helps them develop, not just language skills, but also critical thinking abilities.

Reason Number Three: Books demand that children think in different ways. And it also helps them create a rich interior world for themselves.

Reason Number Four: Books create and answer questions. Oftentimes these are questions that even we as adults don't know how to answer.

And Reason Number Five: In an age where more and more children are feeling isolated and lonely books have a way of providing comfort, companionship, and entertainment.

So what were your favourite books when you were growing up as children? Let me know in the comments section below.

#internationalbookgivingday #valentinesday #february14

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