2 years ago

So all this time I have been looking for that one video that summed everything up so even the brain dead could understand, Well I think I may have finally found it.
Thank you Scott McKay and Lin Wood I can stop looking now. I hope anyway.

I added a video I made back in June or July maybe just to polish it off I hope you enjoy that part it was sort of gratifying when I made it in some strange way. That was one of my favorite Speeches from Lin.

I do want to say one thing I've said it for years and little crybaby liberals defriended me and called me a racist. I'm gonna take that chance again anyway it's fun to watch them cry. Obama was the worst piece of SH/- RACIST tranny loving child molesting trafficking satanist we ever had as president.. well until now of course. I hope they all have gotten or get what the deserve and I hope it's slow and painful.

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