Show Number 555! - Planet Green Trees TV - Episode - 555

2 years ago

Episode Date – 3-31-22
Planet Green Trees TV - Episode - 555
Episode Title – Show Number 555!

1- Michael’s Random Rant of the Week!!
2- The Ann Arbor Hash Bash is officially back in-person this weekend
3- Cannabis Consumption Lounge to Open in Michigan in First-Ever Move
4- See how much Michigan communities will receive from $172 million in 2021 recreational marijuana tax

“Normalizing cannabis one event at a time”

Show Information
• Michigan's #1 show about cannabis legal issues, licensing, regulations, compliance, medical marijuana topics, current events and other legal matters.
• Planet Green Trees TV is hosted by Attorney Michael Komorn, co-hosted by Jim Powers, Amanda Joslin and Steve Miller.

The opinions and comments expressed on the show by hosts, guest, commentators, posts, articles, etc... may or may not represent the actual opinions or thoughts of the Komorn Law Firm and/or it's associates. The thoughts and conversation that occur during this broadcast are an attempt to bring humor and parody to an otherwise non comical scenario. Although some conversations and guests may state facts, academic impedimenta and scientific theorems one should consult an attorney or expert in the relevant field of query.

#cannajam, #cannajamfest #EchoesofPinkFloyd, #DarrenMcCarty, #Tegridylaw
#planetgreentreestv #askblanks #comedianmikeyoung #hypeduplive #hypeduplivesessions #eventstew #cannatouring #cannaindustries #ozcannabis #purelapeer #stickyypsi #botanicalco #growgreenmi #realleafsolutions #komornlawmi #wellnessdoctorsonline #elevationstationypsi #greeningdetroit

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