Beautiful One I Adore, Is He Worthy, Near To the Heart of God- Rapture Encouragement 511 726 121

3 years ago

Jesus is coming for HIs bride. There is a book called Counting the Days that I put out yesterday on mailboxes, and if you are here for that reason, please watch the video and hear the gospel. For those who are believers in the pre-Tribulation rapture, we know that Jesus is coming at any moment to take us away- Revelation 3:10-11, 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15, Titus 2:11-14...
On August 21, I woke up at 3:10 hearing the song- Near to the Heart of God-
On August 22, I woke up at 5:11 hearing the song- Beautiful One I Adore-

I show gematria of 511 from a website called

The song- Is He Worthy?
A and O Productions video

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